LA Times journalist Amy Koss proposed in the article “ is a 21st century deal with the devil” that the online retailer Amazon caters to customer’s lustful desire for easy consumption as it enables the consumer’s tendencies for sloth and greed. Furthermore, throughout the article Koss implements the image of Amazon as a manifestation of the devil that tempts people to sin and as a destroyer due to its leading success in the market causing former retail giants to go out of business. Koss’s stance is evident when she brought attention to the executive director of the Southern California Independent Booksellers Assn. Andrea Vuleta’s belief that Amazon’s objective is that, “he wants our “information” to sell us everything else, and to
In the article, “ is a 21st century Deal with the Devil” the author Amy Koss makes her piece an argumentative writing. She tries to persuade the reader that the company, Amazon, is cruel and untrustworthy. The author states,”They’re offering deals and deeper discounts, closing branches, consolidating staff, trying to fend off the inevitable. According to the feds, there have been 60,000 retail jobs in just the last two months.” I disagree with the author’s statement and believe that Amazon is just doing what they have to do, so they can make money and build a stronger business. It isn’t exactly Amazon’s fault that other businesses are closing making people loses their jobs. The other businesses must have their prices very high, making
This paper addresses the parallels between of Amazon. Com, Inc and Sears Holdings Corporation. It will examine how the historical, cultural and market opportunities that each company took advantage of, evolved them into the companies they became. Key being the ability to take advantage of a growing and cheap communications to distribute their offerings. opened for business in 1995, with just a few people packing and shipping books from garage in Bellevue, Wash. Sears was founded in 1888, with Richard Sears using a printed mailer to advertise watches and jewelry.
The article, “ Is a 21st Century Deal with the Devil” from Amy Koss, published by Los Angeles Times on June 4, 2017. The death of the American mall is avoidable. It is avoidable by promoting it on the Amazon website, or it is also avoidable by closing down the website. Even if none of this happens, there will always be people who are not lazy enough to get up and go to the mall. There are also a lot of people in the world who do not know about the website For those who do not, it means they go to the mall instead of shopping online.
The general argument made by Amy Koss in the article “ is a 21 century deal with the devil” is that the devil offers many ways to tempt the weak .More specifically, Koss argues that online shopping is a strategy from satan to win our souls. The article states,” They’re offering deals and deeper discounts, closing branches, consolidating staff, trying to fend off the inevitable. We can solemnly recite the roll of the dead, dying and struggling:Macy’s,Sports authority...according to the feds, there have been 60,000 retail lost in just the last two month”(Koss 2). In this passage, Andrea Vuleta is suggesting that Lucifer wants to make our lives easier by being able to allow technology to order materials with just a click of a button.
However, made this chain or supply useless. At, unlike traditional bookstores, there are no bookshelves to browse. All contact with the costomer is either through its web site or by email. At the firm’s web site, customers can search for a specific book, topic and etc. Customers can browse, fill up a virtual shopping basket, and then complete the sale by
In the article, “Amazon,com Is a 21st Century Deal with the Devil”, from Author Amy Koss from the Los Angeles Times, June 4, 2017 says that Amazon will ultimately be the death of big malls which do grant a lot of jobs which allow cities to grow. I do believe there are multiple ways to avoid this. The first way is plain and simple, it's not going to happen, because teenagers like me and young adults in their late teens and early 20’s, love to go the mall. They like to go the mall because you can't meet up at Amazon, you can't buy food at Amazon, you can preview items on Amazon. Another way to stop this is to adapt to the market, sell stuff that people want to buy, be diverse, allo everyone from everywhere be able to walk into your store
Have you ever played monopoly? Not just the game Monopoly but the exclusive possession or control of something. Remind you of any company? Amazon. Amazon mostly cares about being on the top along with the other Tech Giants. Also, Amazon doesn’t care much about their workers and they’re allowing access for strangers to receive others information. Amazon is becoming too powerful! Inc. was initiated by Jeff Bezos in 1994 after realizing the rapid rate at which the internet and websites were growing in popularity among business organizations and individuals. In 1995, the company started operating its website for selling books, videos, compact discs, computer software and computer hardware before being incorporated in1996 as an e-commerce company (Reuters, 2015). Apparently, the company offers may products and services for sale; these products include merchandise for resale products offered by third parties. In this regard the
In my opinion the this article about how amazon is like the devil's work is false in a lot of ways. I also think that the way the author compares the process of buying things on amazon to something the devil does is totally inaccurate. One reason that this article is false because even though Amazon is here some major stores are still fully in action and not being affected by Amazon. The reason is because on Amazon you have to actually fill out a bunch of things, then wait for your item to be shipped to your house. With stores you see the item right in front of you and you sometimes have the sudden urge to buy it. Also how the writer said that the people would check out the book at a library and then buy it on Amazon is absolute nonsense.
LaVecchia, O. (2016, November 29). Report: how amazon’s tightening grip on the economy is stifling competition, eroding jobs, and threatening communities. Retrieved September 9, 2017, from
GOP nominee Donald Trump has made a few outrageous statements since beginning his candidacy. Some of it may be taken out of context, since news must be sold at all costs. However, the latest Trump news has Amazon in the title. President candidate Donald Trump has Amazon and Jeff Bezos in his sights for destruction. Earlier in his campaign, Trump went after Muslims, Mexicans, and Apple. His political strategy may be shock and awe. But when will this tactic put him at a disadvantage? Taking on Amazon is risky, sine almost everyone on the planet love Amazon. Everyone except eBay and Walmart, as the online consumer platform outranked eBay and Walmart on the world’s most valuable brands list.
In Amy Koss’s opinionated article “ Is a 21st Century Deal with the Devil” Koss compares the company to Satan, over exaggerating with key words to emphasize her opinion on the matter. Personally it makes the author sound ridiculous, especially how they are describing Amazon using words such as; the devil, Beelzebub’s blood bath, massacre, laziness, and greed. It’s sounds pretty unfair, Amazon is just doing what any normal retail store, but better considering that others are struggling. “They’re offering deals and deeper discounts, closing branches, consolidating staff, trying to fend off the inevitable. We can solemnly recite the roll of the dead, dying and struggling: Macy’s, Sports Authority, Walmart, Kmart… Abercrombie & Fitch, Wet Seal…”
Its diversification and low cast strategy will help it build up an image and goodwill which will pay its fruits in near future. The strategy to partner with traditional retail partners in which will utilize its retailing technology to build and host the traditional retailer’s online store will also be helpful as it enables Amazon to enable various brick stores to go virtual. IT innovations done in order to provide services like customer service, inventory management, fulfillment and logistics service in its already established state of the art digital infrastructure will also help them in creating a difficult entry barrier for competitors. Use of long-term debt to cover its cash expenses requirement though causes financial stress in short term, in long term economies of scale achieved will generate more benefits than expenses incurred. I would suggest Bezos to maintain its market leadership position both in terms of technological innovation as well as customer
Many consumers go for what appears to be cheapest and most convenient. The reality is, Amazon’s increasing dominance comes with high costs. “These consequences have gone largely unnoticed thanks to Amazon’s remarkable invisibility and the way its tentacles have quietly extended their reach” (LaVecchia, 2016). It is vital that consumers are aware of this superpower that is taking over. Incorporated is company whose retail business is done exclusively online, formally known as electronic commerce or e-commerce. It was the book category that first caught the attention of founder Jeff Bezos, who realized that a Web store could offer more book inventory than an actual shop could offer (Cuneo, 2000). The idea was born and Amazon, a customer-centric company was created. Customer-centric is an approach that allows businesses to drive profits and gain competitive advantage by providing a positive customer experience not only at the point of sale, but also, after the sale (What is customer-centric, n.d.).