
How Do Parenting Styles Interact With Children

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Abstract Today people who have children tend to take in to consideration on what is the best parenting style for their children. Parenting is not easy and they have a major influence on their children’s development. Baumrind, had researched and created the different types of ways a parent may interact with children. I will discuss the various parenting styles and how they may cause mental health issues in the future. Studies also demonstrate a correlation between parenting styles and delinquencies, violence, antisocial behavior, alcohol and substance abuse, and anxiety. Our daily actions such as the tone of your voice shapes the way the child interacts with others. As parents we teach children social skills and what is necessary for survival. …show more content…

This has been proven in the Bobo Doll experiment demonstrated by Bandura. In the experiment, children witness the adults beating a Bobo Doll and imitated those same actions. Background Parenting styles are general standards of childrearing practices, behaviors, and standards. The development of the child’s personality and the way they interact with others are dependent on how the parent cares for them. Children’s development is affect by the manner in which they were raised. Some of the issues children may encounter would be disabilities with personalities, and interactions with social and intimate relations. The child may be affected psychologically and socially. While all parenting styles may be different, there are four main categories of parenting styles demonstrated by Diana Baumrind. These four are authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved parenting. The fourth parenting style was added later by Maccoby and Martin. (Sarac 2001) Birgitte says, “The early 18the Century of seeds of authoritarian parenting: It’s about controlling the ‘inside’ rather than the ‘outside’” (Birgitte). During the Victorian age …show more content…

Permissive parents make few demands on the child such as performing household chores. The child is able to choose what they want to do. The permissive parent is not controlling and doesn’t promote the child to obey external norms. According to Mensah, “Parents who adopt this type of parenting consider self-regulation to be the right of a child to live freely without outside authority” (Mensah 2013). Many who support this parenting style feel that punishment is an ineffective means of controlling behavior and to be expected to have negative effects. (Mensah 2013). According to Sarac, “Permissive parenting, also label as neglectful or disengaged parenting, is high on warmth, very low on discipline and structure, low in parent-to-child communication but high in child-to-parent communication, and low on expectation” (Sarac 2001). Parents who are permissive tend to be accepting, warm, and nurturing. These parents allow their children to express their individuality and to pursue what makes them happy. Permissive parents have difficulty in providing structure, setting clear limits. They are inconsistent disciplinarians and reward bad behaviors often. According to Sarac, “Permissive parents take orders and instructions from their children, are passive, endow children with power, have low expectations, use minimal discipline, and do not feel responsible for how their children

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