
How Did Truman Dropped The Atomic Bomb Wrong

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Our men, or theirs? This is the decision president Harry S. Truman was left with; drop the bomb or continue with an invasion. World War 2 had been dragging on for several years when President Truman decided to drop the first Atomic Bomb over Hiroshima, Japan on August 6, 1945. This devastating weapon brutally murdered 75,000 Japanese civilians in an instant. Although it has been 70 years since the bombs were dropped, there is still question on whether or not the right decision was made. President Truman was wrong to drop the Atomic Bomb because it killed thousands of ignorant civilians and was unnecessary for victory. The conflict between America and Japan began back when Japan invaded China. The United States became extremely frustrated with the situation, and cut off all Japan's supplies. Japan did not take it lightly, for they ended up bombing Pearl Harbor. Once the United States was bombed, we sent out a Doolittle raid, to show the Japanese that we are not weak and can fight back. Once in the war, the United States seemed to be losing terribly. Eventually we came back on top when Germany surrenders on V-E Day, not too long before we took …show more content…

The population of Hiroshima had no idea of the warnings given to the Emperor, while the atomic bomb was not even mentioned in the Memorandum(Stimson, 48). They all knew of the firebombing, but they were completely unaware of the "mass destruction" threats expressed in the letter to their Emperor. Several thought that the bomb was a self scattering cluster of bombs (Hiroshima, 21). Not only were the citizens under informed of the situation, they were killed illegally as well. The law clearly states that targeting civilians is illegal, for it isn't a military target. These civilians were innocent, they did not want war anymore than we did. No one should target innocent people, even with the lives of their own men at

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