
How Did The Seven Years War Affect Canada

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Before everything for Canada was all great, many things were destroyed during events but later on was able to be fixed and allow Canada to be stable just like how it is stated by Sir John A Macdonald who said,“ I am a Canadian, free to speak without fear, free to worship my own way, free to stand for what i think right, free to oppose to what i believe wrong, or free to choose who shall govern my country. This heritage of freedom i pledge to uphold myself”. This quote connects very well as though Canada had an unstable history, it ended to be able to be everything the quote stated. However, in order to achieve this, many events occurred; such as the Spanish Succession war, the Seven years war, as well as Loyalists that started settling in Upper Canada, and the Act of Union. The Spanish Succession took place in 1713 allowing Britain to take over Acadia. Soon after in 1763, the Seven years war took place and had allowed the British to gain more control over more land known as North America. However, that was not the end of changes as more happened in 1791 when more loyalists started settling in Upper Canada and had separated Upper and Lower Canada, later on in 1838 the Act of Union occurred which had then combined Upper and Lower Canada. Unfortunately, …show more content…

This was a huge European war fought by the French/Spanish and the British. Once it had ended-and the British gained victory once again which had affected the French and Spanish negatively, and the British positively. Afterwards, each side agreed to return some of the places it had stolen from the other side during the war. New France was not one of the places. This meant that it remained a British colony. Later on, it was found that the colony of New France did not last. It officially ended with the Treaty of Paris. This proves that, because of the peace treaty of Paris, the British was able to establish more

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