
How Did The Greeks Influence Roman Society

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At the beginning of chapter six, we learn that the Greek and Roman societies had a lot of things in common. The Romans self-sufficiently became a highly distinctive civilization, but with a great inspiration from the Greeks. I believe they could have accomplished this task on their own without any influence from the Greeks, but they were a great influence because they went through many comparable challenges. The Romans were better equipped to handle any problematic task that they were faced with and because of this, the Romans persevered, unlike the Greeks, the Romans were able to create the lives that they imagined. The last Roman king, Tarquin The Arrogant, was expelled by the Romans. Tarquin was the last Roman king because they couldn’t tolerate another. So, Instead of the Romans having another king, they tried to form a republican system of government. I think that was a great idea because being ruled by a king definably had to of had its disadvantages. There was a dangerous amount of social disparity among the patricians and plebeians. Instead of the patricians conquering the lower class, which they very easily could have done, they accommodated them. Which in my opinion, was a very Roman thing of them to …show more content…

During the time that Christianity emerged paganism was the favored religion and unbelievable most of them were converted to Christianity. People were looking for an escape from the feeling of being bound by their obligation to Rome. Roman people found comfort in the thought of eternal salvation that the religion of Christianity offered. Unlike the religions before this, women could enter the open doors of the church. The Christian churches were so well systematized that they were a great asset in strengthening the religion because people saw that it wasn’t just another unorganized cult that they were used

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