At the beginning of chapter six, we learn that the Greek and Roman societies had a lot of things in common. The Romans self-sufficiently became a highly distinctive civilization, but with a great inspiration from the Greeks. I believe they could have accomplished this task on their own without any influence from the Greeks, but they were a great influence because they went through many comparable challenges. The Romans were better equipped to handle any problematic task that they were faced with and because of this, the Romans persevered, unlike the Greeks, the Romans were able to create the lives that they imagined. The last Roman king, Tarquin The Arrogant, was expelled by the Romans. Tarquin was the last Roman king because they couldn’t tolerate another. So, Instead of the Romans having another king, they tried to form a republican system of government. I think that was a great idea because being ruled by a king definably had to of had its disadvantages. There was a dangerous amount of social disparity among the patricians and plebeians. Instead of the patricians conquering the lower class, which they very easily could have done, they accommodated them. Which in my opinion, was a very Roman thing of them to …show more content…
During the time that Christianity emerged paganism was the favored religion and unbelievable most of them were converted to Christianity. People were looking for an escape from the feeling of being bound by their obligation to Rome. Roman people found comfort in the thought of eternal salvation that the religion of Christianity offered. Unlike the religions before this, women could enter the open doors of the church. The Christian churches were so well systematized that they were a great asset in strengthening the religion because people saw that it wasn’t just another unorganized cult that they were used
Rome and U.S Italy’s whole country is about the same size of the state of North Carolina. Italy is 750 miles north to south and 150 miles east to west. North Carolina is 200 miles north to south and 800 miles east to west. Both Italy and U.S have mountains but the mountains divide Italy in half so it is harder to trade within the country in a short period of time. Italy is less rugged than Greece but more than the U.S. Italy is built on seven hills, just like Washington D.C.
Roman culture has its
As well as the romans were influenced by the sea, religion and social conflicts, the Greeks also were. And that's what we are going to talk about here, how the development of things can change everything. As you know, the sea were very important for both countries, because it gave more culture to them, consequently changed their way of thinking, their religion and also brought some conflicts. 2- The sea influenced a lot for the romans and for the greeks.
The Roman Empire lasted a very long time, and there was a great long line of rulers. Some dictators, religious, loved war and battles, and some just wanted to see the government grow. That's what we as people want in our leaders right. We want a strong and powerful leader, who cares about war and keeping us free but also caring for the people and now using his power negatively. I looked briefly but intelligently through all the chapters up to 7 and found information about all the leaders.
During the Agricultural Revolution, humans began settling down in communities and farming. The more the residents depended on farming, the more the population increased. This made it harder to revert to the hunter-gatherer lifestyle. Human waste also easily contaminated water in settlements.
The attributes relating to Tarquin Superbus’s effectiveness as a leader hardly stray off the path set forth by Romulus. Tarquin “was not an ineffective leader in war; in the military sphere he would have been deemed equal to the earlier kings…” (Livy 61). Once again, we see the necessity for Roman kings to be skilled in the art of war, leading massive armies to victory for the benefit of the empire. In addition to his prowess on the battlefield, Tarquin demonstrated an overwhelming sense of ambition, a feature that brings with it the desire for power and greatness, the very same desire that characterized Rome as a city. Just as Romulus fought for power against his brother Remus, so too did Tarquin fight for his right to power against Servius. Tarquin’s acquisition of the throne came through brute force, as overwhelming numbers and his own physical strength helped to literally cast Servius from the steps of power. Tarquin’s characteristics mirrored many of the other kings both before and after him, and so it is easy to find justification for his position as a king of Rome.
Every culture and society arises from some previous form. In this course we have analyzed how societies affect each other, and how civilizations adopt or adapt to differing environments and peoples that they are exposed to. The Roman Republic/Empire is a great example of this process.
Ancient Greece and Rome are considered pillars of Western Civilization due to their impact on our law, language, and art.
The culture in Ancient Rome has a massive impact on our society today, it influenced our sports, language, government, technology, etc.
When the Romans conquered Greece, not only did they discover that the Greeks had much to offer, but the Romans eventually adopted and built upon many of the Greek traditions. In terms of religion,
The Roman civilization was influenced by the Greeks and Etruscans in many different ways. All of these influences were important. The Greeks influenced Roman civilization in many ways. For example, they farm the same crops. The Greeks introduced olive and grape farming to them.
The ancient Greeks once practiced beliefs and traditions that led to the development of advanced civilizations. The Roman Republic was significantly impacted and influenced by the Ancient greeks, which would later lead to contributing to the development of the Byzantine Empire. The Byzantines would help influence Europe during the Middle Ages, and Europe’s ideas and practices would lead to helping and impacting the modern western civilization with their ideas and beliefs. The Greeks showed influence by believing the people should expand their knowledge to their best ability, they had the idea of human perfection, and created a democratic government for the people, and the Romans developed off of the Greeks by practicing a Republican government and by providing public services and new inventions that would advance the people's way of life such as irrigation, sanitation, aqueducts, and more. Ideas through the Greeks and the Romans would later be passed on to the Byzantines who were greatly influenced, The Byzantines would also eventually split the Christian church. All of the ideas from the ancient Greeks, Romans, the Byzantines, and the middle ages would eventually lead to the end of the feudal system. Traditions that the modern world still practices today were greatly impacted by historic civilizations.
The Roman Republic/Empire faced many difficult challenges. They’ve went from being on the bottom, to rising a little higher. Then to being very powerful, & at the very end they had fallen back down. The Romans had many powerful men to help them fix their republic/empire. Some did good & some did bad.
Romans were a civilization that originated after the Greek culture. They, like Greeks, saw an extreme significance in the idea of a love for one’s country and loyalty. The Romans, however, were more concerned with public affairs such as education, sanitation, and health. They held a strong connection with their ancestors and wished to imitate what the ancient Romans did. Although Romans rejected the idea of a Rex, or king, they favored the common hero. They wanted a leader who a “regular Joe”, someone who was average and could still led an average life after doing extraordinary things. The Romans also had a very defined government that was broken into consuls, senate, and assembly. There were two consuls who served in place of the king as the leaders of the Roman Empire. Next in succession was the senate, comprised only of patricians who debated and passed legislation. Finally, there was the assembly made for the plebeians to approve laws.
Western Europe. But how did this western way of life come to be? Their are many different