
How Did The French Revolution Cause Napoleon Rise To Power

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In June of 1793, “Little corporal” displayed his immediate support for the Jacobins, a far-left political movement and the most well-known and popular political club from the French Revolution (Biography). Eventually, the Jacobins fell from power and Robespierre. In 1795 the Directory took control of the country, a power it would it assume until 1799 All of this turmoil created opportunities for ambitious military leaders like Napoleon. Napoleon got imprisoned for 10 days on suspicion of treason after refusing an assignment to lead the Army of the West. After being imprisoned for ten days on suspicion of treason and refusing an assignment to lead the Army of the West, Napoleon was later assigned an occupation for the map department of the French war office. His military career was …show more content…

With only a few losses, the south of Egypt came under Napoleon's control. He created plans for reorganizing the government, the postal service, a system for collecting taxes and helped build new hospitals for the poor. Then, in August 1798, the Battle of the Nile, British forces destroyed French ships leaving the French army stranded from their homeland. This caused Napoleon's image to be deeply debilitated after the loss, and in a show of newfound confidence against him, Britain, Austria, Russia and Turkey produced a new coalition against France. In the spring of 1799, French armies were defeated in Italy by forces of the new coalition, forcing France to let go much of the peninsula under its control. Even in France itself, instability continued to develop, and in June of 1799 an overthrow lead to the Jacobins taking control of the French Directory. In October, “Napoleon had returned to France to work with one of the new directors, Emmanuel Sieyes, he hatched plans for a second coup that would place the two men, and another, Pierre-Roger Ducos, atop a new government, called the Consulate

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