
How Did The Constitutional Government Formed After Revolutionary War Dbq

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Thesis: The constitutional government formed after the Revolutionary War made laws that limited the southern state’s ability to expand without slavery that they could not be economically successful.
Argument 1: The government that formed after the revolutionary war lead to the inequality of the laws that it passed to govern the individual states. In 1787, the amended Constitution shift the power of individual states to a national government. Under the Articles of Confederation, Congress depended on the good faith of the individual states. The new Constitution granted the national legislature’s power to impose tariffs, along with the flexibility to collect. It also set the number of representatives each state would have based on population …show more content…

The Confederates were an agriculture people mostly and the use of slavery was a part of their success economically. The Confederates were conservative and wanted to establish the status quo. The majority felt that by winning the Revolutionary War they had won their right to live as they so choose. The issues that were at the forefront of the conflict were states’ rights and how much power the federal government should have. The Souths perception was that the North was going to control and impose its values on them. The year before the first battle of the civil war the now majority Union politicians were more concerned with how the Southern states being independent would hurt them economically. It was about control of the cotton production that was almost completely in the southern states. The Southern states felt they had a right to control their agriculture, as they wanted to and not by how a politician or a factory owner up North wanted them to. The Northern states needed this cotton to supply their huge textile industries that were making them very wealthy. The laws passed by the Union majority established that a northern manufacturing company could establish factories or any other business in a new territory but the South could not because of slavery. The majority power, Union, was taking control …show more content…

The Confederate nation 1861-1865. New York: Harper Perennial, 2011. Print.
Trueman, C. N. "Causes of the American Civil War." History Learning Site. N.p., 25 Mar. 2015. Web. 28 Apr. 2017. (-- removed HTML --) .
Argument 3: The government formed did not look after each state equally by looking at their political, social and economic differences that had made them each successful in their own way. Honorable Hunter lived during the civil war and was deeply involved in the process before, during and after the civil war. He started with how the government formed since the Revolutionary War led to the American Civil War. Stating the Union that was originally formed had too many different varieties of climate, interest and industries to make one common government in charge of all the interest of society possible. The South felt it was obvious that each separate society should manage its own interests and the government should take charge only of those interests that were common. As a U.S. Senator his constituents felt that they were being overtaken by a government that could not and did not look after them as well as they could themselves. The Union had the majority vote at that time and the South felt their interest had not considered at all. The cultural existence at that time showed the government America had placed into effect was an experiment that failed. Designed to govern a country that had very similar cultures and lifestyles and this was not the reality

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