
How Did Romeo And Juliet Make Decisions

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Naael Naqvi Ms. Harding English I 11 February, 2018 Reckless Choices The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is one that could have been easily prevented, had they both made the smarter, selfless choice not to be together. The two “star cross’d lovers” committed to their love and it ended in both of their deaths from foolish acts and irresponsible decisions. From Romeo’s resiliency of depression and heartbreak to Juliet’s mother wanting her to get to know Paris, the catastrophic suicides could have been averted; the two kids could have lived long wonderful lives if they had simply not been together. Paris was not a bad match for Juliet and she could’ve lived a luxurious life with her family and friends- had she obeyed her parents. While her marriage with Romeo is completely irrational because of the fact that both families would never agree to it and it would lead to acts of violence and mishap. “But woo her, gentle Paris, get her heart; My will to her consent is but a part…” (I.ii.16-17). This portrays how Lord Capulet gives full consent to the marriage between Juliet and Paris. However, the forbidden love among Romeo and Juliet would never be accepted due to the fact their families on an everlasting feud. Marrying someone other than Romeo would prevent Juliet from the …show more content…

Falling in and out of love that rapidly is nearly inconceivable, this shows how Romeo doesn't possess the qualities needed to maintain a healthy relationship. “It is the East, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon…” (II.ii.3-4). Romeo endlessly talks about how beautiful Juliet is and how much he is in love with her, when only hours ago he felt the same way for Roseline. From this you can conjecture that Romeo isn't very committed to a relationship at the given moment and he believes that true love only comes from the outside and not the

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