
How Did Paul Deal With Bad Choices In Tangerine

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In Tangerine, you would think that one bad event after another it would be the last, but Paul is just prone to bad luck happening to him. In the book, Paul has to deal with bad choices to sinkholes happening in the middle of his school's soccer field. The choices made by Erik and paul's mom have a huge effect on Paul.

The first choice was made by Paul’s brother, Erik. When Paul and his family lived in another place earlier when Paul was little, There was a big grey wall surrounding the neighborhood his family lived in at the time. At the time, Erik had a friend like Arthur, who would follow him around and do what he said. One day, also Erik and his friend (Vincent) spray painting on the wall. Erik and Vincent got caught and thought Paul was the one who told on them. In Paul's Garage, Erik painting down, Pried open Paul's eye lids, While Vincent sprayed the paint in Paul's eyes. This had a huge impact on Paul because it made him partially blind.

The second made your choice that someone made was one that Paul's mom made for Paul. When Paul got a tangerine, he was just starting at a new school. When Paul got there his mom told the school Paul was IEP, not put Paul and a special class, this affected Paul by having a difficult time being on the soccer team. And it made it so that people looked at Paul …show more content…

When Erik and his friend sprayed the paint and Paul’s eyes, His mom found Paul unconscious and took him to the hospital. Then chose to not tell Paul about what Erik did, because Paul could not remember since the flashback, his mom said ‘we didn’t want you to hate your brother!”, which made Paul angerer, resulting to him responding “And you thought that was right for me?!” This choice influenced Paul the most in my opinion because throughout the book Paul and Erik had a lot of drama around them and knowing that in the end of the book that Erik was the reason Paul is blind, really mad Paul

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