
Examples Of Flashback In Tangerine

Decent Essays

In the book, Tangerine Paul, a middle school soccer player, has many chilling flashbacks. These flashbacks determine the climax of the book in lots of different ways. But why that's the reason for this essay. In the book, Erik is mentioned in all the flashbacks and is harassing/bullying Paul. The story's climax by his brother’s actions in his flashbacks, which end up to Paul ratting out Erik for part of the murder of Luis Cruz. In the first body paragraph, you will learn about all of Paul's flashbacks relating to his for sight. In the second one, you will see how Paul ratted out Erik and how Erik tried to kill him.There are two flashbacks that Paul has about his how his eyes were partially blinded by Erik and were teased by Erik. Erik teased …show more content…

I screamed in terror. Erik laughed and ran over to Mom and Dad.’’(Bloor 163) In this quote, you can see that Erik is teasing and bully Paul about his sight this anger Paul and makes Paul wants to get back and Erik. In the next quote, Erik and his friend Vincent Caster are blaming Paul for ratting out Vincent, so they spray paint into the eyes of Paul. The story states “Then I felt Erik garb me from behind... Erik’s fingers prying my eyelids open... Vincent Caster sprayed white spray paint on them.” (Bloor 255) This quote shows that Erik is responsible for the fact that Paul is basically to blame him for his eye problems, which make him want to get back. As you certainly see there are reasons why Erik is to be ratted out because he blinded him and teased him, which makes Paul want to tell him.In this paragraph, you will learn how Paul got back at Erik and how Erik tried to kill Paul. Paul comes home crying and freaking out saying that Erik to kill him while he was biking crazy hun. The story states “Then he brought forward in a mighty swing, right at my head. I dove to the right, I landed on my face in the grass… It was “Erik”...”(Bloor 2-3) In this quote, Paul is blaming Erik for trying to kill him which gives him another reason to rat him

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