
How Did Martin Luther King Influence The Civil Rights Movement

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Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Fists in the Air along with the American Gay Rights Movement have all fought the long and tireless battle that has shaped American to be the diverse community by respectively protesting to make an impact for a free society. Martin Luther King Jr. is commonly known for being both the leader and an activist for the Civil Rights Movement. He believed that the right way to fight against a prejudicial and racist society was with a peaceful and nonviolent protest. He bravely ended racial discrimination and segregation without raising a fist to punch or a gun to shoot. Martin Luther King Jr. used logical reasoning and evidence to support the injustices during the 1950s and made an impact for the next generation …show more content…

As Rosa Parks rested herself on the front of a bus, a white male approached and ask if she could remove herself so he can take her seat. Rosa Parks declined for she had a long day and was tired. The man immediately noticed how reluctant she was and called the police to report that a woman is violating the segregation laws. As Rosa Parks was tired of being treated at a second class American she took matters into her own hands and peacefully started encouraging other to boycott public transportation. Many African Americans started walking, bicycling and riding mules to work. As the bus boycott continued the company started to lose business, realizing that 75% of their income comes from African Americans. The company also made threats to anyone involved in the boycott but Rosa Parks mentioned they will continue with the protest without violence no matter how provoked they may become. Ms. Parks soon took her situation to the Supreme Court saying the law for blacks to sit in the back of the bus was unconstitutional and unjust. The Supreme Court ruled in her favor and was declared unconstitutional on November 13, 1956. Rosa Parks proved that doing the right action will lead to the right

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