
How Did Mao Get Rid Of The Cultural Revolution

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In the year of 1966 the “almighty” Chairman Mao introduced the Cultural Revolution to the people of China. In 1976 Chairman Mao died and so did the revolution because it was all based off what Mao believed was right. Throughout the revolution Mao targeted anything that could prove his beliefs wrong, therefore, certain education, cultures, careers, class status, and habits were banned or changed overall. Chairman Mao was not just trying to reshape China but its society and everything it involved.
One of the first things Mao got rid of in the Cultural Revolution were the four olds: old ideas, old customs, old culture, and old habits. For the young people of China this did not take as much effort to adjust to, because they have not been taught the four olds yet however, the adults or elders of China had lived with the four olds all their lives so, rebellion would be more common from them.To support my statement above is an excerpt,” Chairman Mao’s campaign to “Destroy the Four Olds” was even more important than the others. The newspapers and the radio said …show more content…

Eventually, he did. The Red Guards were allowed to ransack a home if they were believed to be practicing or had possessions of anything that represented the four olds. Therefore, people that did not want to get ransacked got rid of the evidence quickly and did it in a secret matter. They did it secretly because they did not want the Red Guards to think they were hiding anything else. “They’re burning some pictures… people in old-fashioned long gowns and mandarin jackets are considered four olds” (123). When the Red Guards did search your home it wasn’t done nicely either. “ The apartment was a mess. The middle of the floor was strewn with contents of the overturned chests and drawers” (136). This excerpt, was from Ji-Li’s point of view of her family’s home after it was ransacked by the Red

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