Gutenberg’s invention was the press printing.
The printing press is considered one of the most important inventions in history
The birth of the printing press dates back to China, in the year 593, when played for the first time and multiply, drawings and texts with the help of printed characters carved wooden boards.
These techniques came to the West much later.
Gutenberg knew the difficulty of printing with carved wooden whole pages and in 1450 he devised a more rational way of printing, based on movable type.
Instead of using wooden blocks to press ink on paper, Gutenberg used movable metal parts to quickly create pages.
To create his printing, Gutenberg adapted a wooden press, from which the grapes used to grind in the preparation
The earliest printing in China was the block printing method in the first Century B.C., where the individual sheets of paper were pressed against wooden blocks that had text and illustrations carved into them. This process could print hundreds and even thousands of copies, this technology played a significant role in promoting the spread of culture. A block carver named Bi Sheng made movable types with clay during the period from1004 to 1048. This method each type was carved with one character and the types could be set independently according to contents of different articles. After printing, the movable types could be reused and this improved technology is called movable-type printing. (LAN, 2008)
Author, J. Baldius firm in William of Ockham, created an advertisement expressing the way scribes, people who make copies of documents, hand wrote before the Printing Press was created.(Doc 1) Prior to the Printing Press, people hand wrote books and drew illustrations that took many years to complete.When the creation of the moveable type took place, it allowed for people to create books at a much faster rate and it enabled for more jobs to be available. Moreover, the development of this invention spread all across Europe between the years of 1471 and 1500. In maps displaying the spread of the Printing Press from 1471 and 1500, the location from where they started were mainly in Germany, Netherlands, and Italy.(Doc 2) In 1500, there were nine times more printing press’ then there were in 1471 and in that year there was one printing press in every major city. The popularity of the printing press spreads knowledge throughout Europe and makes people realize that this invention was not only a necessity, but it was not even counted as a luxury. The development of the printing press was the most important of all the consequences because although it was the beginning, it sparked a new and easier way for people to spread their knowledge and ideas quickly but
Shen kuo a legendary scholar of the song dynasty was known for his book dream pool essays and until today by the world scholars the book has been regarded as a masterpiece of ancient Chinese science. In the book it refers to Bi Sheng as he has invented a new effective printing method “during the Qingli reign of Northern Song a commoner named Bi Sheng invented an extremely efficient printing method known as the moveable type printing.”[1] In 1987 villagers in Wuwei accidentally dug out a mysterious cave in the Gansu province, in the cave they found a perplexing brochure full with weird characters “even the most respected elders were confused but everyone treasured the booklet as an ancient sutra from their ancestors.”[2] Sun Shouling an archeologist
The second type of printing that China invented was movable printing. It was invented by a man named Bi Sheng, a little into the time period of 1040, Song Dynasty. The way the method worked was by using an iron frame, and putting the letters on it and pressing them onto the object. The material that was specifically used on clay, ceramic materials. Sheng tried to use ink for this type of printing as well, but the ink did not function really well. The ink seemed like not being able to attached onto the ceramic materials. The movable printing also helped developed new ways of printing, due to its accomplishments on improving the way they printed.
He used a combination of mulberries, hemp, old rags, bark, and even used fish nets for the creation of the paper pulp around 105 AD. While paper had been used in China for wrapping and padding since 200 BC, recent archaeological discoveries have been reported near Dunhuang of paper with writing on it dating from 8 BC. The very first book was printed on paper in China, using a block of wood that had characters carved in reverse relief. Ink was then placed on the block of wood to create a prink on the paper. This technique is known as ‘woodblock printing’ and was originally used as early as 220 AD as a means of printing on
Johannes Gutenberg a German blacksmith, goldsmith, printer, and publisher as well as the man that introduced printing in Europe in the 15th century. Before the use of the printing press, books in Europe were typically handwritten while paper money, playing cards, posters etc. were made from hand-carved wooden blocks, covered in ink and transferred to paper. Gutenberg's printing press involved metal letters at the end of a metal shaft that could be produced in quantity, arranged, and moved around so that mistakes could be corrected easily, and the type could be reused for the next project. Both of the earlier methods of reproduction were expensive and time-consuming. The combination of movable type, oil-based inks, and a workable press revolutionized European bookmaking and spread rapidly across the continent and later the world. Today we know the printing press as a modern day printer only more compact.
Bi Sheng had tried to make woodblock printing, but it invented until Yuan dynasty a person called Wang Zhen made the woodblock printing, which has a tremendous influence on the Chinese publishing and printing industry.
Johannes Gutenberg created Europe’s first printer and printed bible. After Johannes Gutenberg created the printer he went on and made the Johannes Gutenberg bible. This all happened after being kicked out of Mainz, Germany (Johannes Gutenberg biography(2015). The printer was created no later then 1455. The Johannes Gutenberg Bible
Therefore, Gutenberg invented a punch and mold system in order to produce the movable type for the masses. Over the next five centuries the punch and mold system was refined, so a type tray contained the letters. In addition, the type tray allowed for easier replacement of broken letters. The following books or pages used the same type, which allowed for faster printing (Bantwal). Johannes Gutenberg’s genius lies within utilizing the current 15th century technology and then inventing the leftover part to complete the movable printing press.
The effects of the printing press vary from translations to news and diagrams. The translation of the letters and increased amount of access to these printing press’ allowed several individuals to be inspired to travel and explore foreign lands. Making the maps using the printing press rather than hand drawing made it more convenient to get in contact with a map. Finally, due to the fact that the Exploration had a more global effect than a limited area like the Reformation, it is clear that the Exploration had the more impactful outcome from the printing press. Many modern day technologies including typewriters are an obvious representation that the printing press was one of the world’s greatest inventions ever created in
The main difference between the printing they knew and what Gutenberg came up with was Gutenberg took the former a step further. He broke the printing down to its main parts letters, numbers and punctuation. These were put on “dies” that were uniform in size and style. They would then make a negative out of these dies and coat them in ink. This way Gutenberg could make a book one double page at a time and hang them up to dry.
At the point when Gutenberg entered it, printing was a moderate and relentless business. Each new page required the making of another printing structure, as a rule an etched square of wood. He started searching for approaches to make metal throws of the individual letters of the letters in order. The upsides of such a technique were self-evident, or more likely than not been to Gutenberg. Also, segments of a Latin Book of scriptures with two sections of 42 lines each printed- - printed- - on every page. The finished book showed up about a year later; it didn't bear its printer's name, yet it in the end got to be distinctly known as the Gutenberg Book of
In 1436 Johannes Gutenberg invented the Printing Press, which had a major impact on both the Renaissance and printing today, however there other movable type systems invented before Gutenberg’s Printing
In many ways, the social impact of Gutenberg’s printing press culminated with the Enlightenment—it changed the way Europeans communicated. The printing press “made it possible to bypass the confusion engendered by linguistic
The invention of moveable type revolutionized the distribution of knowledge. It made it possible to produce several accurate copies of single works. Since the process was very streamlined, many people called the process, “the art of multiplying books”. The process spread through Germany, Italy, France, and Europe. Come to the end of the fifteenth century, many books were being made on machines like Gutenberg’s ("The Gutenberg Bible").