
How Did Antigone Break The Law

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In Antigone by Sophocles, Antigone did nothing wrong when she buried her brother. Although some may say that Antigone is doing the wrong thing because she broke the law Creon placed. While Antigone broke the law that her uncle, Creon, enforced, she is only standing up for what she believes in. Antigone believes in equality. It is completely unfair for Creon to punish or bury one brother but not the other. All people deserve to be buried and her brother was just simply standing up for what he believed in anyways. The king Creon decides to bury one of Antigone's brothers but not the other shown when Antigone says “Creon buried our brother Eteocles with military honors, gave him a soldier's funeral...Polyneices, who fought as bravely and died

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