
Antigone And Creon Character Traits

Decent Essays

She buried the body?! Where is it, where’s the body and who did it? Antigone has two brothers, one named Polyneices, and the other, Eteocles. They both fought for different sides when it came to the Theban war. When they fought in the battle, both of them died, and Creon being their uncle and also the King, he decided that since Polyneices didn’t fight for the same side as the King, that he should not be buried or honored. Antigone thought otherwise, and buried the body anyways, no matter what the King demanded. The theme that Creon connected to most was power, He took his power farther than he should have in many situations. In this essay what will be discussed about Creon is three character traits. One trait that Creon has is that he is short tempered, another trait he has is that he is unfair, and the last trait that Creon shows throughout the play is that he is selfish. …show more content…

For example, in the play Antigone, Creon says to The Chorus Leader “Stop now-before what you’re about to say enrages me completely and reveals that you’re not only old but stupid, too.” (324-326). This shows that Creon is a tragic hero because his attitude in this quote is he is enraged at the news that the Chorus Leader is telling him. He is short tempered because even the smallest thing makes him livid. This quote is showing he doesn’t know how to react towards the news that the Chorus Leader is stating. He let the news anger him so fast and he got such a temper and didn’t even try to control himself. When Creon was talking to The Chorus Leader in the play Antigone, he showed that he was short tempered when he said “You there-you snake lurking in my house, sucking out my life’s blood so secretly”

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