
How Did Andrew Jackson Influence The American Government

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Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson were both political figures that were very influential to the American government in many different ways. Both political figures created contrasting ideas about the American government. All in all both Andrew Jackson and Thomas Jefferson had different outlooks on different aspects that make up our government.
Both economically and politically the Jacksonian and the Jeffersonian democracies differed. Whether a citizen was considered to be eligible to have any position or participation in any form of government in both democracies was similar. With Andrew Jackson he believed that each white male that was considered to be an intelligent and an ordinary man was fit to be apart of the government and serve in …show more content…

The way that Jefferson thought a president should be chosen was by having the two candidates with the greatest amount of votes become either vice president or president of the United States. Also both Andrew and Thomas’s outlook on the Bank of the United States were very much equivalent. Jackson had a strong opposition towards to the national bank and Jefferson did as well. Jackson had all federal income deposited into the banks that belonged to the state as he kept taking money from the national bank. By doing that, it allowed him to win the “Bank War”. Jefferson alongside Jackson supported the state banks and was against the national banks. Not only did they have similar and different viewpoints economically and politically but also they had different and similar viewpoints when it came to social and religious aspects. The ideas that were similar were when it came down to the concept of minorities. Andrew Jackson didn’t believe in giving political rights to women and slaves even though there were many reforms going on during the Jacksonian democracy. Regarding the issue with Native

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