
How Did Andrew Jackson Impact On Society

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Although he was basically robbed of the presidency in 1824, Andrew Jackson was elected by 70% of the votes cast in the Electoral College and a soaring 60% in popular participation in the 1828 election. In reference to Andrew Jackson, Andrew Stevenson said in his eulogy, “Born a simple citizen, of poor but respectable parents, he became great by no other means than the energy of his own character, and being, as he seems to have been, the favorite of nature and heaven.” Throughout his whole political life, Andrew Jackson proved a great leader with large numbers of supporters. During his 8 eight years in the Presidency, Andrew Jackson brought many positive changes to the American political landscape. His impact on America was so great, in fact, …show more content…

Rather than stressing his belief on specific affairs, he focused more on the touching life story he had. He marked a new direction in American politics, being the first president elected from west of the Appalachian Mountains and gaining the votes from the common man. After losing the 1824 election to John Quincy Adams, Jackson had the people’s favor for the next election, with the Jacksonian Democrats leading him to Presidency. There was an unprecedented level of political organization, including a network of party newspapers, all sorts of spectacles, parades and identifying devices for “Old Hickory”. The newspapers roared with articles about John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson, spreading campaign slogans throughout the country. Rumors of Jackson’s wife, military affairs, and ideas of civilian life made up a great deal of newspaper articles that were produced by Adam’s followers. The number of voting men nearly quadrupled over 1824. Additionally, Jackson’s campaign slogan said vote for us if you believe the people should govern, advertising the Democratic beliefs. Jackson's position was clearly stated and the contrast noted against his opposing nominees, ultimately leading to his election in …show more content…

He claimed to be “Champion of the Common Man”, because he wanted to eliminate aristocracy and give more voice and power to the common men, mostly made up of poor, white laborers. He was the first president to grow up west of the Appalachian Mountains, giving him an edge for votes from people in his region, as well as being the oldest president to be elected at that time. He was admired for his background, a story of rags to riches. He was preferred by the people over his opposition, John Quincy Adams, who the people saw as rich and solitary, not connecting with them on the same level that Jackson did. Andrew Jackson, being a military hero, a frontiersman, and a democratic, overtook the majority of the common people and warned the political, social and economic aristocrats of his arrival in the White House. A Man of the People would now govern the nation who greatly agreed with and appealed to the common American

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