
How Did Andrew Jackson Affect America

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Andrew Jackson’s impact on America had both negative impacts and positive impacts. For negative impacts, he was a man slaughterer of native Indian tribes and treated them unfairly. He caused a problem when he initiated the nullification crisis and force act. For positive impacts, he destroyed the national bank. He did both bad things and good things, and to understand all of them is important.

When Andrew Jackson was in presidency, he attempted to take action against the native Indian tribes that inhabited the land that he wanted for his own settlers to claim. For settlers on the land, who were mostly Christian, brought up the concept of Manifest Destiny, in which they believed that it was God’s will to inhabit all of america in westward expansion, and to kill if they needed to in order to get their land. With that started, Jackson created the Indian Removal Act, in which allowed Jackson to offer the native Indian tribes land west of the Mississippi River, which wasn't good land, in return for their own land. Most tribes refused this offer. However, after a while, they were forced out of their homes violently with no time to pack their things by the army, who even they thought it was too violent of a thing to do. They were sent out on the Trail of Tears, the trip to the “promised land”, in which caused thousands of Indians to die because of the cold and inadequate sleeping conditions. …show more content…

It was a declaration had stated that two current tariffs were unconstitutional. One was designed to protect american industry and the other was to help with the trouble created by another tariff. This made them “null and void” in South Carolina and over America. With the industry in South Carolina affected, it affected everyone else in America, and thus an economic depression was

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