
How Did Abraham Change His Name

Decent Essays

Abraham’s given name was Abram in the beginning until God changed his name (Gen.17:5). He was the father of Isaac and Ishmael and uncle of Lot. The First of the Old Testament patriarchs, Abraham is mention 284 times in 265 verses of the NRSV. Lived either in the 22nd to 20th centuries BC (in the transition from Early Bronze IV to Middle Bronze I), or the 19th to 17th centuries BC (Middle Bronze II)—roughly a millennium before Homer.
Abraham is the main figure or protagonist in the beginning of the narrative history of Israel. From Abraham all else comes by Abrahams covenant with God and Gods plans for the Abrahams family and lineage. He will be blessed by God (Gen.12:1-3) The promise to Abraham in (Gen. 12) and its recurrences in (Gen. 15 …show more content…

• (Gen 18:16–19:38)—Abraham intercedes for Sodom and the Lord rescues Lot
• (Gen 20)—Abraham sojourns in Gerar
• (Gen 21:1–21)—Isaac is born and Ishmael leaves
• (Gen 21:22–34)—Abraham makes a treaty with Abimelech
• (Gen 22)—The Lord asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac
• (Gen 23)—Abraham buys the cave at Machpelah to bury Sarah
• (Gen 24)—Abraham sends his servant to Mesopotamia to find a wife for Isaac
• (Gen 25:1–18)—Death of Abraham and list of his (other) descendants
• Reiterations of the promises to Abraham:
• (Gen 26:1–5)—The promise is reiterated to Isaac
• (Gen 35:1–15)—The promise is reiterated to Jacob (and he is renamed Israel)
• (Exod 6:6–8)—The promise is reiterated to the people of Israel
• Remembrances of Abraham in the Old Testament:
• (Josh 24:2–3)—Abraham’s pagan background and call by the Lord is remembered
• (1 Chr 1:27–34)—Abraham’s genealogy is recounted
• (1 Chr 16:14–22)—The covenant with Abraham is remembered (see Psa 105:8–11)
• (Neh 9:7–8)—The Lord’s call of and promise to Abram are remembered
• (Isa 51:2)—The call of and promise to Abraham are brought to mind in Isaiah’s Servant Songs
• (Mic 7:20)—The Lord’s compassion on his people is certain because of his promises to Abraham
• Abraham in the genealogies of

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