
Explain How Children Act 1989 Protects Children And What Circumstances Are They Used

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In this essay going to explain how children act 1989 protects children and what circumstances are they used? I’m going to outline the section 17 and 47 of children act and what they are and how they would be used to protect children and in what circumstances are the act used. I will be outlining how they could benefit the child. When would the family support be used the most and in what circumstances it should be used. Children Act 1989 was a framework provided for the care and protection of children and young people. This was the first legislation that recognised the needs of children who were vital. All the child care law related to children that are being accommodated by the local authority comes under Children Act 1989.This act also …show more content…

Sometimes needs may be found essential to the child. However it could be parenting skills that then could be harmful for the child’s wellbeing. For example, A sick parent may need practical and emotional support depending on the illness and the developing needs of the child. Therefore in these cases the social workers should provide package of support services at the home. However if parents are disabled then the child may not be identified as need but that could be a factor. However under the section 17 of the act the child is able to be looked after their parent at home. However in other circumstances such as social problems, relationship problem in the family, then a support of respite care may be withstand the child’s longer term wellbeing with in the family.
The section 17 also sees the possibility of family support service being offered to family of the children in need where they also provide a view of safeguarding and promoting the child’s welfare. The package of services could include home help, day care provision for family member other than the child in need, temporary placement so that the carer could get rest . These are put in place to evaluate to see whether it has met the needs of safeguarding of the child’s welfare.
Section 47 of Children act is when local authority takes emergency protection order, if they are

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