
How Acid Rain Affects Organisms in Aquatic Biomes

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How Acid Rain Affects Organisms in Aquatic Biomes

Through the advancement of technology, the issue of the air surrounding the earth might have been one of the most often matters to be brought up and discussed among scientists and engineers. Acid rain is one of the more serious environmental problems and it is closely related to the air pollution. Nowadays, it has affected large part of US, Europe and Canada. People start to be concerned about acid rain since it is getting worse in the passed years. The effect of the acid rain most often leads to another bad effect. For example, the acid rain will cause the lake and streams to be acidic. Thus, it will also affect the ecosystem inside the water.

Acid rain is one form of air …show more content…

Generally, the young of most species are more sensitive than the elders. However, not all species can tolerate the same amount of acid. For example, frogs may tolerate relatively high levels of acidity, while snails are more sensitive to pH changes.
Sulfuric acid in polluted precipitation interferes with the fish's ability to take in oxygen, salt, and nutrients. For freshwater fish, maintaining osmoregulation, the ability to maintain a state of balance between salt and minerals in the organism's tissue, is essential to stay alive. As shown in the figure in the next page, acid molecules cause mucus to form in their gills preventing the fish to absorb oxygen well. Furthermore, a low pH level will throw off the balance of salt in the fish's tissue. Calcium levels of some fish cannot be maintained due to the changes in pH level. This causes a problem in reproduction: the eggs are too brittle or weak. Lacking calcium causes weak spines and deformities in bones. Sometimes when acid rainfall runs off the land, it carries fertilizers with it. Fertilizer helps stimulate the growth of algae because of the amount of nitrogen in it. However, because of the increase in the death of fish the decomposition takes up even more oxygen. This takes away from surviving fish. In other terms, acid rain does not help aquatic ecosystems in anyway. In general, acid rain affects lakes and streams in two ways, which are chronic and episodic.

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