
Houston Pension Reform Case Study

Decent Essays

At the top of 2017, Mayor Turner issued a letter to concerned citizens discussing his objective to reforming the 7.7 billion dollar pension plan (Mayor Turner Gives Update on Houston’s Pension Plan). The letter was specifically targeting three specific groups: the Houston Firefighters’, the Houston Police Department, and Municipal Employees. The letter expressed much gratitude for those who are retired and those who plan to retire confortable in the near future. In addition, Mayor Turner was sure to emphasis how the pension system might affect employee’s cost of living, future benefit accrual rates, and the DROP program (Mayor Turner Gives Update on Houston’s Pension Plan). He conclude the letter by stating that they will not embark on this …show more content…

The longer people keep living, the more costly homes will be because they are in such huge demand. To ensure that retirees are protected and able to live a suitable lifestyle, the cost of living adjustments (COLA) was established (Mayor Turner Gives Update on Houston’s Pension Plan). Most police retiree COLAs will be frozen for three years and then linked to social security COLAs but capped at 2.5% (Mayor Turner Gives Update on Houston’s Pension Plan). This is a best practice, protecting retirees’ purchasing power while also protecting the city in the event of high inflation (Mayor Turner Gives Update on Houston’s Pension Plan). Firefighters will also take a three-year freeze and then receive COLAs linked to social security increases, but there is no cap. This could be a significant financial risk for the city if inflation ever increases dramatically. Municipal employees will continue to receive a 1% COLA (Mayor Turner Gives Update on Houston’s Pension Plan). If inflation in the future continues at around 2%, as it has for the past 20 years, retirees’ buying power will erode over time. The facts concluded that without COLA many retirees would not be

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