
Hot Tub Research Paper

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When the weather turns cold, conventional wisdom prescribes preparing your outdoor items for the winter. Does that include your hot tub? According to Hot Tub Outlet, Southwest Littleton’s favorite source for premium hot tubs at affordable prices, they suggest leaving your hot tub running throughout the winter with a few smart preparations. But the choice is ultimately yours, and if you decide to drain it, you must take special care to winterize it properly. No matter which option you choose, here are three things you must do for your hot tub as winter rolls around: Check For Leaks & Damage: Cracks in the hot tub can allow critters seeking refuge from the cold to move in, which is not only a nuisance — it also puts your equipment at risk. Rodents can cause damage by chewing wires and other expensive parts, leaving you to foot the repair bill. …show more content…

If it’s time for a new filter, take this opportunity to change it. Consult the friendly Hot Tub Outlet staff for guidance. Check pH Levels: pH measures the relative alkalinity of your hot tub’s water, in which 7.0 is a perfectly neutral level. The ideal pH level should stay between 7.2 and 7.8, even throughout the winter, to prevent corrosion and other expensive damage. Keep the Hot Tub Filled — Or Winterize Carefully: The Hot Tub Outlet team recommends keeping water in your hot tub throughout the year to prevent leaks or cracks in the pipes. But if you must empty your hot tub, be sure it is fully winterized. That means draining the tub and pipes thoroughly, as even a small amount of water can burst a pipe. To learn more about how to keep your hot tub happy all winter long, call Hot Tub Outlet in Southwest Littleton at (720) 296-2518 or visit the

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