
Horse Farm Situation Analysis

Decent Essays

At Speedy Thoroughbreds Horse Farm, we pride ourselves on quality champions and more importantly character. I am the trainer at the racetrack and have started a program for at-risk students within the community. It is a great way to give back to the community. The program has granted me with some small fame in the area and recognition on top of my success as a racehorse trainer. One evening, secret doping of some of our prized champions came into light. As I previously stated, we pride ourselves on honest, quality winners. This new information creates a difficult dilemma for me as an employee, friend, and person. One may think that the obvious way to go about this situation is to report the secret doping to the authoritative figures in the …show more content…

Although the program for the children might get shut down, I am certain other barns in the area would jump at the opportunity to host the program and recieve the good press. Although others might argue that it is selfish and I should not report the doping because it has the potential to leave quite a bit of people unemployed, the lying, cheating and going against the rules is not something those employees should want to be apart of or work for. As Jenny Wong stated in her article in “The Veterinary Journal,” “Integrity ensures that competition is fair. The horseracing industry can only survive if integrity can be maintained” (Wong, Jenny K.Y. 2014). The weight of knowing I did not stay true to my morals and uphold the standard of integrity would be something I have to carry with me for the rest of my life and something those employees would have to as well. I believe it would be much easier to find a job with a clear conscious then it would be to continue to work for someone who does not have the same respect for life, honesty, and fairness as I do and others should. I would report the secret doping of the owner for the reasons outlined

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