
Hope In Famous Last Words

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When individuals face hardships in life, hope is the driving force that motivates one to keep going. As Michelle Obama said, “[one] may not always have a comfortable life and will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once, but do not ever underestimate the importance [one] can have because history has shown [people] that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own” (CITE). The novel Famous Last Words by Timothy Findley is a novel about Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, a well-known, but disliked, writer who has written many books about the struggles faced while living through the corruption of World War Two and motivation that was necessary to persevere. The film The Shawshank Redemption by Frank Darabont stars …show more content…

In the novel, Mauberley uses religion to find hope after escaping an attack on a train. Mauberley has been walking for days on end, trying to find a safe refuge. Soon, finding a safe place turn into an impossible option, and Mauberley begins to give up. All that is needed to be done is climb a mountain to get to the Grand Elsyium Hotel, but “Mauberley [can]not even think of climbing,” (23-24). However, before giving up, “Mauberley prays,” (24). The next day, Mauberley “successfully [makes] way into the courtyard of the Grand Elsyium Hotel,” (25). This is important because Mauberley is close to giving up and allowing himself to die before finding the hotel. However, after praying, Mauberley is able to get up and climb the mountain successfully to safety. This is only possible because of the knowledge that God will always be there. After praying, Mauberley gains the motivation needed to successfully make it up the mountain to security. Similarly in The Shawshank Redemption, Andy gains a sense of hope through reading the Bible. Andy is creating a hole in the wall behind a poster of Rita Hayworth in the cell. Andy knows that the hole must not be found, and also knows that Warden Samuel Norton is highly religious. Therefore, before a routine check-up starts, Andy starts to read the Bible. Due to this, Norton gains a newfound respect and appreciation for Andy, so after seeing the poster, the warden knows that the poster cannot be “approved of. But, supposes exceptions can be made” (Darabont). Likewise, in the article, individuals with chronic pain are interviewed about ways that hope is maintained. In fact, one of the patients, Amalia, turns towards faith. Amalia shares that belief in faith helps to heal the mind and soul, despite the physical pain of the illness. In fact, Amalia is “taking classes in spiritual healing,” (Eaves) at the

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