When individuals face hardships in life, hope is the driving force that motivates one to keep going. As Michelle Obama said, “[one] may not always have a comfortable life and will not always be able to solve all of the world’s problems at once, but do not ever underestimate the importance [one] can have because history has shown [people] that courage can be contagious and hope can take on a life of its own” (CITE). The novel Famous Last Words by Timothy Findley is a novel about Hugh Selwyn Mauberley, a well-known, but disliked, writer who has written many books about the struggles faced while living through the corruption of World War Two and motivation that was necessary to persevere. The film The Shawshank Redemption by Frank Darabont stars …show more content…
In the novel, Mauberley uses religion to find hope after escaping an attack on a train. Mauberley has been walking for days on end, trying to find a safe refuge. Soon, finding a safe place turn into an impossible option, and Mauberley begins to give up. All that is needed to be done is climb a mountain to get to the Grand Elsyium Hotel, but “Mauberley [can]not even think of climbing,” (23-24). However, before giving up, “Mauberley prays,” (24). The next day, Mauberley “successfully [makes] way into the courtyard of the Grand Elsyium Hotel,” (25). This is important because Mauberley is close to giving up and allowing himself to die before finding the hotel. However, after praying, Mauberley is able to get up and climb the mountain successfully to safety. This is only possible because of the knowledge that God will always be there. After praying, Mauberley gains the motivation needed to successfully make it up the mountain to security. Similarly in The Shawshank Redemption, Andy gains a sense of hope through reading the Bible. Andy is creating a hole in the wall behind a poster of Rita Hayworth in the cell. Andy knows that the hole must not be found, and also knows that Warden Samuel Norton is highly religious. Therefore, before a routine check-up starts, Andy starts to read the Bible. Due to this, Norton gains a newfound respect and appreciation for Andy, so after seeing the poster, the warden knows that the poster cannot be “approved of. But, supposes exceptions can be made” (Darabont). Likewise, in the article, individuals with chronic pain are interviewed about ways that hope is maintained. In fact, one of the patients, Amalia, turns towards faith. Amalia shares that belief in faith helps to heal the mind and soul, despite the physical pain of the illness. In fact, Amalia is “taking classes in spiritual healing,” (Eaves) at the
Hope is something that was similar between the characters in chapter six of Stevenson’s book and Andy Dufresne in the film. A quote that involved hope that was very important to myself was when Mrs.Jennings said “...But if we don’t expect more from each other, hope better for one another, and recover from the hurt we experience, we are surely doomed (Stevenson 126).” One can see how in the young boy Charlie’s situation hope had to be present whether some say it was before or after Mr. Stevenson visited the boy in the county jail. Charlie was going to be tried as an adult for murdering his mother’s boyfriend George after George had previously severely abused his mother. Related back to the quote from Mrs.Jennings, she talks about how if people don’t hope better for one another then they are surely doomed. Mr.Stevenson was not going to take Charlie’s case until he had knew that he had been sexually assaulted the nights before. Stevenson left the jail angry about what had happened and who allowed this act to take place. I believe that both Charlie and Mr.Stevenson both had to hope for the best and Ms.Jennings hoped for something better in Charlie’s life. Hope is also something that Andy Dufresne also had during his time at Shawshank prison. An example of Andy’s hope in Shawshank Redemption is when he played the woman’s music over the intercom. All of the men felt free and felt hope just as Andy had when they listened to the woman’s beautiful voice. In the film, Red makes a comment saying “It was like some beautiful bird flapped into our drab little cage and made those walls dissolve away, and for the briefest of moments, every last man in Shawshank felt free.” This quote signifies hope because for that brief moment they felt something they they hadn’t felt in so many years after being locked away. The feeling was like an awakening of hope
In this film the character Andy Dufresne goes into prison and gets broken down and has his ambitions brutally beaten out of him, but when he hits rock bottom he finally starts to regain his resilience and his hope. This idea of hope and resilience was showed throughout the film and it shows us that being resilient and holding onto your hope is a vital part of day to day prison life. An example of hope and resilience being showed in the film is when Andy asks Red for a stone hammer, Red tells him that it would take a man six hundred years to tunnel a hole through those walls, but when Andy tries to carve his name into the wall he realises that the walls are made of a weak stone. When Andy escapes from Shawshank,
Stock issuance costs were recorded as a reduction in paid-in capital and are not considered to be a component of the acquisition price.
At first, his faith in God becomes genuine. He becomes so interested in learning and knowing everything about God. When asked why he prays to God he answers, “Why did I
In the novella, Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption, the reader follows the life of Andy Dufresne, who was wrongly convicted of murdering his wife and a golf pro. Author Stephen King, who is known for his simpler, conversation esque writing, describes Andy’s experiences and attempt to escape from Shawshank Prison where he is being held. Red, Andy’s most valuable friend while in prison, is also in prison for killing his wife, but in contrast to Andy, he actually did it. Andy is constantly denied his freedom for parole or when evidence arises proving his innocence because of his role running the illegal money laundering scheme for Warden Norton. Throughout the novella, both characters display moments of similar, but also at times vastly different, levels of hope. King uses the way characters, such as Red and Andy, view hope as either a means of escape or simply futile in the novella to show how the circumstances surrounding a tragedy or difficult situation change a character’s mindset on hope and in turn dictates the actions they use to cope.
The theme of hope is both displayed in the book and film when Red talks about Andy’s demeanor while in prison. Red states how prison has not changed Andy and how he wears his freedom “like an invisible coat”......“He never developed the walk that men get when their day is over and they are going back to their cells for another endless night,” (King 72). This “invisible coat” is hope. It has helped Andy live on as a free man in his spirit. During his time spent at Shawshank, Andy voluntarily completed many tasks. He took over
Defining hope can be equivocal and yet it is commonly associated with a particular experience. Hope reflects an individuals moral values, it is required for human survival; hope is often needed when there is a sense of uncertainty for the future (Tanis & DiNapoli, 2008). In healthcare, hope is described as one of the most important concepts associated with spirituality; without it everything else seems to loose its value. Therefore, hope instigates positive adjustment during the dynamic process of recovery (Tutton, Seers, & Langstaff, 2009).
“I believe in two things: discipline and the Bible. Here you'll receive both. Put your trust in the Lord; your ass belongs to me. Welcome to Shawshank.” (King 37)The story about shawshank redemption is a very well written book.
He goes into depth about hoping for something to happen, anything. He expresses himself of what was going through him excitedly for example the author says, “So I sat there calmly in the hot, crowded church, waiting for Jesus to come to me.” (182) He describes his situation attempting to make some sort of relationship with God. He creates an anxious tone in order to demonstrate just how important having a connection was valuable to him. Why having a connection to God was important at that time is because before the big revival was over they called the kids to convert them. When it was time to bring his spiritual needs, he was told by his aunt “when you were saved you saw a light, and something happened to you inside! And Jesus came into your life! …I believed her.” (182) Hughes punctuation creates an ethos tone of voice by being persuaded by his aunt. The author may employ pathos through his emotional language. This rhetorical appeal is often used to emphasize his emotional response towards how he feels about being “saved.” The outpouring of his emotions towards getting “saved” was a big concern that he was trying to achieve. He implicated how not only was he expected to be touched by the presence of God, but every other kid his age. This is how the writer was discussing about him being open about the idea of being “saved.”
Directed by Frank Darabont, The Shawshank Redemption tells the Story of Andy Dufrane, a man who has been wrongly convicted of murder and must endure life inside the harsh and corrupt Shawshank prison, but despite this he never loses hope of finding freedom. Hope is an important inspiring idea in this film, as it is what sustains him during the long and difficult years within the prison, and it is the result of this enduring hope that Andy finally finds freedom. There are many visual and oral techniques used throughout the film to portray the idea of hope. This includes the hope that Andy holds, and
The Shawshank Redemption is a prison drama movie released in 1994 and is based on a novella named “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption”. The novella was written by Stephen King and published in 1982 in a compilation of four novellas which was named Different Seasons. “Rita Hayworth and the Shawshank Redemption” was the first novella in the book; King called this first chapter HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL. The rest of the novella chapters had references to summer, fall and winter. However, King pointed directly to the main theme of the novella by his emphasis on HOPE. Imprisonment is obviously an isolating and fearful experience. Ironically, after long incarceration, many prisoners become institutionalized and so used to the bars, the tight schedules and the prison guards that they become afraid of freedom or even the hope of freedom. As King stated in an interview, “What are we afraid of, as humans? Chaos. The outsider. We’re afraid of change. We’re afraid of disruption, and that is what I’m interested in.” (Lehmann-Haupt, www.theparisreview.org) Both the book and the movie explore these fears, but keep hope alive in the human condition by describing one prisoner’s ability to retain his self-worth despite being in a hopeless situation. His outlook on life, his “inner light” kept him hopeful that he could become free again.
Mortimer Chambers et al define imperialism as a European state 's intervention in and continuing domination over a non-European territory. During the 'Scramble for Africa ' in the late nineteenth century, the most powerful European nations desired to conquer, dominate and exploit African colonies with the hope of building an empire. According to Derrick Murphy, in 1875 only ten percent of Africa was occupied by European states. Twenty years later only ten percent remained unoccupied. There were several factors which attracted European imperialists to Africa. There were opportunities for profitable investment and trade. Raw materials, which Africa possessed in abundance, were also desired. A cheap source of labour was required as it would
“According to the United Nations, 158.8 million people around the world use marijuana—more than 3.8% of the planet’s population” (Free The Truth). With the number of marijuana users around the world being so high you would think that it would be treated as if it were cigarettes or alcohol— only appropriate to purchase and consume at a restricted age limit. Many states have already passed the law for medical uses only, and a few such as Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington have recently passed it in 2012 for recreational use, and Arizona may be next (Recreational). Voting against proposition 205 will benefit Arizona, because of its negative impact on children,
In the film, “The Shawshank Redemption” directed by Frank Darabont, symbolism was used to highlight the main idea of holding onto hope. Darabont has effectively used different symbols throughout the film to convey the themes of hope and freedom in Shawshank. “Remember Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.” This quote said by Andy Dufresne in a letter to Red shows that Shawshank was portrayed as a place of hopelessness at the start. But it was through the use of these symbols, music, the library, and the birds, that made the viewer truly understand how “Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”
Nurses that listen to their patients, not only notice that they are physically hurt, but they can also notice their emotional wounds. The empathy of knowing that the patient is emotionally hurt is part of the spirituality connection. Therefore, they might need comfort. O’Brien (2001) states that, “ No other profession provides the opportunity to touch and be touched by the human spirit as does the practice of nursing. It is this intimacy that calls us to reverence: reverence for God as our creator and Lord…” (pg.110). Nurses have the privilege to connect with people in ways that no other profession may be able to provide. Since nurses are patients advocate, our duty is to connect them with their spiritual beliefs and