
Marijuana Pros And Cons Research Paper

Decent Essays

Zellyanna Rojo
Dr. Zana Easley
Writing 90
3 November 2016 Take A Stand and Vote No
“According to the United Nations, 158.8 million people around the world use marijuana—more than 3.8% of the planet’s population” (Free The Truth). With the number of marijuana users around the world being so high you would think that it would be treated as if it were cigarettes or alcohol— only appropriate to purchase and consume at a restricted age limit. Many states have already passed the law for medical uses only, and a few such as Alaska, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington have recently passed it in 2012 for recreational use, and Arizona may be next (Recreational). Voting against proposition 205 will benefit Arizona, because of its negative impact on children, …show more content…

Based off of Colorado’s experience we know that our schools will not be promised as much money from taxes as pro prop 205 Arizonans claim. “It enacts a 15% excise tax on retail marijuana sales, which will be used to fund the implementation and enforcement of regulations. Any additional marijuana tax revenue will be allocated as follows: 40% to the Department of Education for school construction, maintenance, and operating costs; 40% to the Department of Education for full-day kindergarten programs; and 20% to the Department of Health Services for public education regarding the relative harms of alcohol, marijuana, and other substances” (Prop. 205) Not all of the taxes that they will generate will be going directly to schools in Arizona, and that means schools will not receive enough money that they need yearly. Pro marijuana uses are trying to mislead us by telling us that our schools will truly benefit from the taxes. “We know this to be false based on the Colorado disaster where school officials are now publicly stating they have yet to see any tax revenue from marijuana sales” Even with the money generated they will not have enough to even be able to purchase one text book for every child. (Truth on Prop. 205). If our schools don't benefit our children don't benefit either. How would it feel to know that our children are being more subjected to …show more content…

“Already, marijuana is the second leading substance for which people receive drug treatment, and a major cause for visits to hospital emergency rooms” (Please Vote No). It has only been four years since the legalization of recreational use of marijuana, and it is far too early to determine if we should be the next experiment. Once the decision is made there would be no turning back, and one wrong move is all that it takes to turn Arizona into a disaster like Colorado. “The safest course of action is to wait and watch. Before long, we will know the full range of impacts in states such as Colorado and Washington that have already legalized recreational marijuana — and Arizona voters will have the ability to make a fully-informed decision” (Please Vote No). Voting against proposition 205 will benefit Arizona, because of its negative impact on children, increase rate of traffic fatalities, and the untruthful promise to provide tax money for

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