Homework is the origin of problems within students, so reducing it to one page of work per class or at most the equivalence of twenty pages of reading a night will improve their overall well being and performance at school. Teachers appoint hours of work at night, which most students do not have the time to accomplish, especially when they want to have a gregarious life outside of school. These problems were well known to Maria, a student in tenth grade. Her normal day consisted of waking up at six, going to school all day, then having basketball. Basketball tended to go until at least nine o'clock at night and by the time she got home, she was mentally drained and still had at least three hours of studying, reading, math worksheets and science labs to finish. Not to mention she needed to shower and eat dinner. As she was in her room, she completely melted down from the pressure and lack of time she had as she stayed up until midnight endeavoring to finish her homework, resulting in less than six hours of sleep. Maria had everything going for her, she was popular, on varsity sports, and had a lead role in the band. She had a job and was involved in drivers ed. Maria, although seemed perfectly fine was actually suffering immensely from the pressure of keeping her grades up and succeeding in all her activities. Although, her grades started slipping from the lack of time she had to accomplish them. Teachers drowned her with homework, which she had no time to do. Many students
High school students area bombarded with homework for the next school day. It usually takes a student around 2-3 hours to finish homework (Patel). That time does not include extracurricular school activities or other activities such as family time. When students try to fit all of these things in together, homework usually ends up being the one task that takes forever to do! Some students have to pull “all-nighters” in order to complete the assignment (Smith). The student comes to school the next day feeling very tired and that causes him to perform poorly in class. Currently, schools start at 8:10 and end at 3:40, that is including independent reading time, lunch, classes, and times to get to classes.
After a long day of school, students are tired, stressed, and overworked. This is often something that is ignored when it comes to students of all ages. Homework provides a heavy load that can add additional stress and time on a student’s shoulders. Schools should be making sure that students are receiving enough work throughout the day, to make sure kids do not have the worry of homework when school is over. Students who receive lots of homework, may not have enough time in the evenings to be around family, friends and enjoy the rest of their day.
Castle View High School, although some teachers,students,and parents say that homework is something that every student should do and should be a necessity, there should actually be less homework for students so their brains don’t get hot wired. The first reason is that students tend to improve if they spend at least 2-3 hours of doing homework. Students don’t want to spend 2-3 hours of homework after a long day of school, that can be exhausting to them and their brains. Doing homework very little, improves elementary and middle schoolers, homework mostly only helps improve high school students. Another reason is, teachers like students to continue working on the lessons that were taught, to be continued at home. We’ve decided ahead of time
By not giving out homework, students will work harder in class and have better grades. Teachers have to understand that if students are tired from late nights, they wouldn't be able to work efficiently during the day. In addition, students would be much more excited to come to school because they know they wouldn't have to worry about getting any homework. In 2010, a survey was taken and it showed that about 70% of teen ages 11 to 17 get less than 8 hours of sleep per day due to the amount of homework they have to do (Logos). According to Alfie Kohen, students feel forced to do their homework, therefore they aren't learning as much as they should (Ethos). Students lose interest in the topic and do not benefit from what they’re learning. In China, a cry for change by a mother who lost her thirteen year old daughter who committed suicide due to her inability to achieve in math, the mother considers homework is a huge negative factor toward her deceased daughter's tragic ending along with the pressure of society (Pathos). Such a story should leave us wondering, how many more children need to suffer the silent epidemic of school stress. Statistics prove the leading cause for the majority of physical and emotional complaints leading up to diagnosis of depression in middle and high school due to the amount of
Homework these days require several grueling hours of pouring out your brain. Almost every night I struggle to finish homework in my classes due to my enrollment in AP and college classes. I usually have essays and several pages of articles and writing to do, which is so strenuous at this age. At the teenage age, our bodies are developing and growing so without sleep due to the homework seizing sleep, our bodies are constantly struggling to keep up. Limiting homework for each class to a maximum of two or three pages would cut down the hours and relieve stress on every
Sometimes our parents have no time to help us because they have their jobs. Then if we can’t get any help it’s going to be either a late grade or an F because we can’t get a good grade without a complete assignment. Our parents could also have a goodnight sleep without having to worry about us failing their classes because of homework. Teachers will also gain out of no homework because they don’t have to deal with grading messy handwriting and awful grammar. They don’t have to stay up however long it takes just to grade all the papers their students. It’s especially hard for middle school teachers and up because there are so many kids and so many different classes. Teachers can go anywhere they want if their lesson plan is finished for the next day if there is no homework. They won’t have to deal with angry kids, teens and yelling at them if they’re failing school because of homework. Homework is keeping everyone up.
If you’re a student you know the stress that runs through you all day, even after school ends. Yes, the learning part of the day is done but there’s still all homework that needs to be finished. As soon as you step foot inside your house, it’s time to decide whether to start studying for the science test or finish the history project. Then you would think to yourself and say; neither because you still have the stack of math homework laying on your bed. Nowadays students get so much homework that they are usually up and losing sleep in order to complete it. On an average, a student should not spend more than 60 minutes on homework per day, but if each teacher assigns homework which exceeds the time limit it adds to the workload. Due to a lack
The first reason students should not be given daily homework is that daily homework deprives students of sleep needed. According to Nationwide Children's Hospital, “teenagers need at least nine hours of sleep each night.” For most high school students,
High school students feel more stress than working adults, and children are beginning to feel aversion towards learning. Both adolescents and children are at risk of health issues due to anxiety and less time is spent with family, playing, and sleeping. The cause for all of this is too much homework that is suffocating students. Homework causes students to sleep less, have more stress, and even forces students to give up extracurricular activities. These negative results can be improved by reducing the homework load.
As evidence, a 2007 MetLife study found that 45 percent of students in grades three to 12 spend more than an hour a night doing homework. If middle schoolers get 3 hours of homework, think of how much more high school and college students get, especially when 3 hours of homework is a lot of time taken up already for a middle schooler when usually they don’t even have jobs. Nearly 80% of High school and college students have jobs after school hours. Which their jobs might go to 9PM at night and they still have more than 3 hours of homework to do. That gives no time for them to relax, get the right amount of sleep, and spend time with
Having the stress of finishing homework almost every school day can have a toll on students who can't handle this much tension and strain each night. Students and children don't usually get as much sleep as they should when they have homework, for example, “During the school week, she averages three to four hours of homework a night and six and a half hours of sleep” (Greenfield). This explains that students that spend too much time on homework and lose sleep time each night can affect kids later. Losing sleep is not a healthy thing for students who need to wake up early and go to school. Since students spend so much time on homework, it can cause different forms of depression, ¨I can’t remember the last time I had the chance to go in the backyard and just run around,’ a teenage girl laments in the film. ‘I’ve gone through bouts of depression’ from too much homework, another confesses. A bewildered-looking third girl says: ‘I would spend six hours a night on my homework.’”(Hancock). This proves that homework can cause forms of mentally challenging issues or less sleep. Most kids go through depression and having something like homework that you constantly have can not be a good thing. Homework stress can cause many mentally challenging problems for students and other problems like this can be caused by too much
The quality of students’ homework is much more important than the quantity of students homework and data collected during recent studies has proven that homework is not making the grade. “. . . American students are entangled in the middle of international academic rankings: 17th in reading, 23rd in science, and 31st in math according to the most recent results from the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)” (Murphy-Paul). Students should not be given an excessive amount of homework because the pressure of having to complete excessive amounts of homework every night is quite daunting for most students. Knowing how much homework is the right amount correlates with age and grade. An 8th grade student should not be given a myriad of homework that would keep her awake past midnight completing assignments. In any case, there should be a limit on the amount of homework all teachers give to students because an excessive amount of homework would eventually cause students to become uninterested in school and learning, which could result in poor test scores and low ranks in international academic rankings. In order for students to carry out daily activities throughout the day restfully, teachers must be able to provide homework that does not exceed the appropriate amount of time needed to complete it, which is based on grade level. If teachers are too clueless of a students health due to excessive amounts of homework, many students will develop cases of sleep
They may work from after-school till one in the morning, and once they get home they are way too tired to do homework, and need sleep for the next day. If they do get home and realize they have three pages of homework and they do it, then, they get done at five just an hour before the bus arrives. They won’t have time to sleep, what so ever. If they get no sleep for the next day they will be tired, and cranky, and just might fall asleep in class. So, its maybe best to at least just give those students one page of homework a
Children need time to rest. For example, a student will unnecessarily stay up all night just to finish all the homework their teacher gave them, then come back to school drowsy-eyed. Also the child could be falling behind in their work, one moment they’re awake, the next moment they’re sleeping in the middle of class. Also, they can get detention for incompleted homework. Therefore, teachers should give less homework.
As a final point, shortening back on homework would stop students from cheating and copying homework off their friends. Cutting down on homework would reduce students stress and would allow them to focus on just learning. Some students have extracurricular activities outside of school which makes their schedule busy. On top of that many teachers give a lot of homework which makes students worry and panic due to the lack of time they have. This makes them more tempted to cheat and copy off someone’s homework. According to healthline.com “ In 2013, researchers conducted at Stanford University found that in high achieving communities who spent time doing majority of their homework go through more stress.”