
Homeless Veterans Community Analysis

Decent Essays

The homeless is my passion. I see it every day and have experienced being homeless. I am fortunate, for God intervened on my behalf and brought me out of that state. However, it is my belief that in order for me to have understood the homeless situation, I too had to experience it to prepare me to become an advocate for the homeless.

In this month’s blog I want to focus on the Veteran’s that are homeless. Researching the number of homeless veteran’s left me in an appalled state, the numbers are astounding. According to the National Coalition for Homeless Veterans, “Although flawless counts are impossible to come by – the transient nature of homeless populations presents a major difficulty – the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development …show more content…

In addition, the VA also partners with community services to help facilitate the cost and resources. “VA, using its own resources or in partnerships with others, has secured nearly 15,000 residential rehabilitative and transitional beds and more than 30,000 permanent beds for homeless veterans throughout the nation. These partnerships are credited with reducing the number of homeless veterans by 70% since 2005” (NCHV, 2014). Now imagine that according to their statistics, they have reduced veteran homelessness seventy percent since 2005. The original number must have been …show more content…

“Nationwide, spending on homeless vets is up 300 percent since President Obama took office, hitting near $1.5 billion last year. That tracks with a reduction in homeless vets by about a third (Lawrence, 2015, August 4). Progress is being made in the homeless state of veterans. However, it is not enough. If there are 50,000 homeless veterans on any given night, enough is not being done. Perhaps more of a ground effort should be made by the organizations that help veterans. Instead of waiting for the veterans to come to the facilities, go to them, under the freeways, in the alleys or the makeshift homeless camps. Moreover, we as citizens of the United States whom have depended upon these great men and women of the military, need to step up and become more involved in helping the veterans. Instead of passing by or walking over the next person you see lying on the sidewalk, stop and extend your hand to that person, whom can very well be a veteran. If that is not feasible then volunteer or donate to a local organization that is trying to help the homeless veteran. The homeless state of the veterans is all of our problem – Get Involved!!!
The link below is a list of the top ten organizations that support veterans. It only takes a few minutes to view the list, open your hearts and give back to those that have given much of themselves to you!

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