
Home Visit To Raymond Rivera

Decent Essays

Narrative: SW conducted a home visit at the home of Raymond Rivera. Present at the home visit were Ms. and Mr. Rivera, Jacobeth and this SW. According to Ms. Rivera Micky and Remy were in school at the time of the visit.
SW introduced self to Ms. and Mr. Rivera as the SW assigned to work with the family from Belmont Family Services. SW discussed with Ms. and Mr. Rivera the preventive program and its purpose. SW provided Ms. and Mr. Rivera with information regarding Belmont family Services so the family can read more to get a better understanding of services.
Issues/Problem: Mr. Rivera is a self-referral. He is concerned about his son, Micky (11), who has ADHD. Micky steals money from the family. He lashes out very badly towards Ms. Rivera …show more content…

Rivera explained that Micky behavior is getting worse at home and at school. He is able to behave when he is home. However, he does not listen to his mother. He stated that he would like to get help for his son. He said that the way that his discipline his children is by taking the table, phone, video game away and now he is implementing time outs. He said that the problem is when the children are with their mother. Micky would scream, hit himself, and say that he would jump out of the window. She said that one time he took a knife to hurt himself but she was able to remove it from him. SW told Ms. Rivera that when Micky is out of control and saying things that I want to kill himself, she needs to call 911. Ms. Rivera stated that she calls Mr. Rivera and he speak with Micky and he is able to calm down. The SW explained to Ms. Rivera that she needs to be aware of calling 911 in the event that Mr. Rivera does not answer the phone or that he does not calm down. The SW also suggested Ms. Rivera to place the knife in a place where Micky is not able to have access. He said that he is attending a parenting class and his wife would be attending a class as well. Ms. Rivera explained that Micky behavior worsen when an ACS case was called on the family. Remy burned his hand on the stove. Ms. Rivera stated that they were removed from the home and the children stayed home with the paternal grandmother. Ms. Rivera stated that they are in court. SW asked for the ACS

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