
Holland Christian Schooling Report

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To start the story of my religious upbringing I have to go as far back as I know, with my great grandpa. My great grandpa grew up in the region of Holland in the Netherlands. In the year 1919, when he was nine years old, he came to America with his family. They settled in Holland, Michigan where my family has remained. Holland, Michigan was founded not too long before that, in 1847. Holland was founded by Dutch Calvinist separatists who were led by Albertus VanRaalte. VanRaalte intended to purchase land in Wisconsin, but an early winter delayed the group and they ended up hearing about available land in west Michigan. Dutch immigrants, like my great grandpa and his family, moved to America, and more specifically to west Michigan because of …show more content…

Going to Holland Christian High School in particular was such a blessing. I loved my high school and the Christian community there. My teachers were so amazing and I became very close with them. I think, however, that I made the right choice in coming to PLNU. I am still in an environment where I have believers surrounding me, and have opportunities to grow spiritually every day, but I am out of the Holland “bubble.” In coming to San Diego, I really realized how much of a bubble I was in. Holland doesn’t feel quite like the real world. It is known as the “City of Churches” and we often say that there is a church on every corner because there are 170 churches in the greater Holland area, and many are either part of the Reformed Church in America or the Christian Reformed Church …show more content…

I was blessed to be able to go through such a good school system. Some people complained about going to a private, Christian school, but I really enjoyed it. I do wonder sometimes though what it would have been like to go through public schooling and if that would have changed how I am today. I think the strong morals and values I hold today were largely created by my upbringing. But, I do think I used to simply claim to be a Christian because of my family. If my parents are Christian that must mean I’m a Christian, right? Going to college made me realize that my faith is something that I have to make my own. My faith is not necessarily my parents’ faith. I have to make a decision on what I believe and what I stand for, separate from my family. I remember that around the age of 14 I started to feel distant from God and was not very strong in my faith. Throughout high school I think I had different points of feeling “spiritual highs,” but felt like my faith was lukewarm. Today, I think I am starting to separate my parent’s faith from my own, and starting to make it mine. I feel like this is something everyone has to do at some point in their life. In the past year, and in the past couple months especially, I have had a stronger relationship with God. I definitely don’t feel “strong” in my faith, but I feel like I am growing spiritually. I think being here and the

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