
Holden Caulfield Character Analysis

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While recently reading J.D. Salinger’s classic The Catcher in the Rye, I reacted to the character Holden Caulfield very critically and analytically. To me, this character was extremely complex, as I found his behavior noteworthy and thought-provoking. Holden is seventeen years old and narrates The Catcher in the Rye through a series of flashbacks that recount his experiences through school and eventually life on his own. The story reveals much about the unique personality that this character demonstrates, as well as how loneliness and growing up directly affect him and his life. Throughout the entirety of Salinger’s The Catcher in The Rye, I was extremely captivated by Holden Caulfield’s unique personality and behavior. He has his own sense of individuality and does not care what others think about him, and is outgoing towards other people yet he is still introverted in many ways. I greatly enjoyed the author’s use …show more content…

He is very intolerant and annoyed by anything that he deems fake or “phony”. Many times he links adulthood to phoniness, which shows that he believes adults are liars and is afraid of becoming one himself. It seems that the only reason Holden is lonely and is shut out from the world is because of no one other than himself. He becomes very judgmental of other people at times so he can feel content with himself, and so he can have a reason not to grow up and deal with society. To hide his fear and insecurity of interaction with adults and others who make him feel uncomfortable, he holds himself to a higher standard than others and portrays himself as something of high superiority. It is obvious that he needs consolation and love above anything else, but he isolates himself out from interaction with other people because he wants to be protected from the problems that may come from

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