
How Does Holden Change Throughout The Catcher In The Rye

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In all forms of literature, characters develop and progress throughout the story after experiencing several events that change them as a person; this is what gives the story substance and interest in the readers’ eyes. This statement is also the case in J. D Salinger’s novel “The Catcher in the Rye” as the protagonist Holden Caufield goes on a journey of self-discovery resulting in change in his overall view of the world around him. Throughout the novel, Holden is driven by the idea of preserving the innocence of children and sheltering them from the adult world, but as the story progresses he comes to the realization that growing up is an inevitable part of life that must be accepted. Holden also changes from being someone who rarely shows …show more content…

Earlier on in the novel, he often resorts to lying in order to not let people know how he feels inside or let them know anything about him. This can be seen when after meeting Ernest Morrow’s mother while waiting for the train, he lies and tells her that his name was Rudolf Schmidt as he “ …didn’t feel like giving her [ his] whole life history” ( Salinger 54). By doing so, Holden distances himself from people and creates a new identity for himself. Lying also provides him with a sense of control that he desperately needs due to the ever-changing world around him. Another example of when Holden used lying to put up a front was when he meets those three girls in the bar and introduces himself as James Steele. From these two instances it is clear that Holden does not enjoy talking about himself very much and prefers to ostracize himself from people. Near the end of the novel however, a major character change is seen when all of that bottled up emotion that was never before visible, arises to the surface when he and Pheobe are in the park and she is riding the carousel. He says: “I was damn near bawling, I felt so damn happy, if you want to know the truth” (213). This was the first time really he demonstrated any kind of positive emotion in the entire novel which shows a drastic development in his overall views on life and how he sees himself. Lastly, a major moment that contributed in his character change was when Pheobe puts the hat on his head. The red hunting hat is symbolic of individuality and throughout the novel, Holden only wears it in private at very special moments because he does not have the courage to wear it in public and stand out. Pheobe putting the hat on him at the end of the novel is symbolic of her accepting him as who he is giving him that sense of identity that he was lacking throughout the novel thus changing how

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