
History And Development Of Mesoamerica

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Steven Hermosillo Professor Duran History 101 23 May 2016 The History and Development of Mesoamerica According to Module 4, “America’s Pre-Columbian populations evolved into highly developed communities which by the time of the European invasion and conquest in the 16th century had engendered some of the world’s most highly evolved civilizations, in both North and South America.” Module 4 states that “Shortly after Columbus arrived in the Caribbean in 1492-1493, other Europeans made their way to various parts of America, but in the process they unwittingly brought Eurasian disease pathogens to which America’s Pre-Columbian population were not immune or ready. Thus, even before the actual invasions and conquests began, much of the Pre-Columbian population had already been physically and numerically decimated, which further aggravated the problem of dearth of Native historical records, since many Pre-Columbian American societies passed their histories down orally and through their rituals.” Columbus brought disease to America’s Pre-Columbian population that were not immune or ready. “In this vein, these pre-conquest decimations also gave the misleading impression to most Europeans that the American continent was a sparely populated wilderness peopled by societies with underdeveloped cultures. This stereotype image, however, was consonant with the invading European cultures’ own racist, Eurocentric depreciation of Pre-Columbian Americans’ civilizational accomplishments – the

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