
Historical Events In Alan's War

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Emmanuel Gilbert graphic novel, Alan’s War is a recollection of soldier Alan Cope’s life during World War II. The historian Guibert takes the events that Alan recalls and aligns Alan’s story with World War II context. Unfortunately, Guibert does not always specifically connect Alan’s life to a certain event. However, it is still important for readers to understand the historical event that lead Alan into the war as well as the events toward the end of the war, in order to better understand the author’s story.
Although Alan enters the war fairly late, the events that initially lead Alan into World War II are crucial for understanding his story. World War II started long before America became involved in the war. The first sign of world chao began with the Appeasement of Munich …show more content…

A day that Alan recalls vividly was his arrival in France on February 19, 1945. (95 )France is significant because in 1940, the country gained a terrible lose when Germany invaded Paris. However, in 1944 the Allies liberated Paris (139). Alan was a year late when he arrived Paris, but he remembers seeing the cities of France completely destroyed and reduced to rubble. (89). Another success came to the Allies in 1945 when Poland and Czechoslovakia were liberated. In fact, Alan witnessed the German soldiers surrendering at Pilsen, Czechoslovakia, he states that the mission that day was to cover more grounds than the Soviets. Although the Soviets and Americans were trying to be peaceful, the Soviets and the Germans had growing tension because of Germany’s decision to break the non-aggression pact of 1939. (textbook). Unfortunately, the peaceful relationship between the American, British and Soviets began to deteriorate. In a final conference in Potsdam on July 16, 1945 the three parties would tried resolve their issues, and create an agreement on how to handle post-war

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