
Hippie Movement Research Paper

Decent Essays

Luis Lopez
English 11 // 2nd Period
Ms. Overson
Friday, April 8, 2017
The Hippie Movement

The Hippie movement was established in the 1960’s and people that were a part of this faction were members of a countercultural movement fought to improve equal rights for women, race relations, and freeing themselves from societal restrictions through protests, music, and peaceful marches. The hippies rejected the norms of a standard American life and were more open to ideas than average American during that time period. It’s legacy continues to exist and make changes today because of the modern changes we see today, which are the endorsement of freedom of speech and more doors open for social and ethnic groups.

The Hippie movement began during the …show more content…

By 1968, there were massive anti-Vietnam war marches, protests, sit-ins and student strikes in major cities and on college and university campuses across the nation. There wasn't really a in between when choosing a side, you either understood the reasoning and became a hippie or you just thought being a hippie is something you truly cannot be apart of, this from a point of view from a conservative. In fact, people who were outside the movement, mostly members of the white middle and upper middle class supported this development. “Most people who joined the counterculture came from families who had money; the hippies were not members of minority groups who suffered from discrimination” (Encyclopedia) . The reaction from the conservatives to the counterculture was tentative. They didn't really do much other than the fact of judging them in general. From pointing out the unnecessary drug abuse to disfavoring the wardrobe and long hair. They sort of predicted things would turn back the way it was before, to a return of family and values. The hippie movement was a direct effect on the laws that were created to prevent drug use that still exist today. The hippie movement also affected the Civil Rights Movement, which eventually resulted in several laws giving African Americans and women the same rights and white men, including the equal rights to vote and to an …show more content…

Because of the hippie movement, laws have been created banning illicit drugs and discrimination and more races, ethnicities and lifestyles are accepted. I will be mentioning following dates with certain bills that have been passed here in the U.S due to the Hippie movement. On July 23, 1964 the Senate passes $947 million antipoverty bill. The overall strategy was to help people to "climb out of poverty and stay out" On August 31, 1964, LBJ signs food stamp bill. “The goal of this initiative was to achieve a more effective use of agricultural overproduction, improve levels of nutrition among individuals with low-incomes and strengthen the agricultural economy” said Hip Inc. On July 30, 1965 LBJ signs Medicare bill. The Medicare program, is a program where they provide hospital and medical insurance for Americans age 65 or older, was signed into law as an amendment to the Social Security Act of 1935. On October 1, 1965 a Anti-pollution bill sets emission standards for cars. Congress was setting deadlines for the production of low pollution car engines. On March 3, 1966 the GI Bill grants veterans rights to education, housing, health and jobs. It created hospitals, made low-interest mortgages available and granted pay covering tuition and costs for veterans attending college or trade schools said

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