
Hipparachus Of Nicaea Research Paper

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Hipparchus of Nicaea… Hipparchus of Nicaea changed the world of Math and Science for years after his final breath. Hipparchus is considered to be the father of Trigonometry, a branch of math, and to have study the orbit of the Moon and Sun determining their size and distance from Earth. Hipparchus of Nicaea is said to be one of the greatest scientist of all times. Despite his brilliancy barely anything is known about Hipparchus or his works. The information that we have on Hipparchus is second hand accounts from him many students, the work his students produced especially Almagest by Ptolemy, and the only surviving work that is still left today, Τῶν Ἀράτου καὶ Εὐδόξου φαινομένων ἐξήγησις (Commentary on the Phaenomena of Eudoxus and Aratus). …show more content…

It was in Hipparchus home city where he studied Astronomy under Theodosius. Theodosius was known for studying the sun, inventing the sundial for anywhere on the Earth, and writing the book Sphaericus. Theodosius’s ideas and mathematical equations are similar to the teachings of Hipparchus leading many to believe that Hipparchus was a student under Theodosius. Hipparchus is thought to have been born in 190 B.C, the exact day of his birth is unknown. Nothing is known about his parents or his childhood. The earliest record of his existence is in 190 B.C when he was in Bithynia composing weather patterns. Hipparchus was born during the Age of Pericles, the last remnants of the Golden Years of Greece. The Golden Years of Greece was a flourish of culture, economic growth, and Greek politics. Hipparchus being born into the later years of the Golden Years would affect him and his works later on in his life and also …show more content…

Hipparchus was a teacher to many other inspiring thinkers. Many of the information we have on Hipparchus today is from the works his students have attributed especially one of his students, Ptolemy. Hipparchus’s ideas and many of his works are written down in their own words or copied giving us a better sense of who he is and what he did. Hipparchus was not just a great scientist but a great teacher too.

The works… We have no surviving works of Hipparchus. The great works and notes of the astronomer were lost to time or destroyed unknowingly. Despite having nothing but one single work, Τῶν Ἀράτου καὶ Εὐδόξου φαινομένων ἐξήγησις (Commentary on the Phaenomena of Eudoxus and Aratus) he has contributed to science and math for many centuries past his lifetime. The Commentary on the Phaenomena of Eudoxus and Aratus is the only work left and is a calendar with references to the risings and settings of constellations.

The End… Unfortunately we know nothing about Hipparchus’s death. We have an estimated time period of disappearance from others works and his own. The sudden disappearance leads many to believe that is was either retirement or a death. Many historians believe it was a sudden death from the sudden loss of mention or works. We will never know how Hipparchus died or the reason why but his name will live on in his works and great

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