
Hillary Trump Debate Essay

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The Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump debate went on Wednesday night. It was broadcasted on NBC around 8pm and lasted for one hour. Donald and Hillary both got a total of 30 minutes each to answer questions asked by Matt Laure. The main topic was over Commander and Chief discussing their possible future actions. Hillary went first as a result of Trump winning a coin toss and wishing to go 2nd Clinton claimed that she would approach the position of Commander and Chief steady and I quote “It’s important to be steady like a rock.” Hillary was then asked about her emails she had send back in March 2015. Senator Clinton states that the emails she sent did not have the header CLASSIFIED on top of the email, so she was unaware they were classified. …show more content…

Donald started off by saying he would not have any issues running the government. Trump’s business had dealt with trade from other countries. Trump admits that his voice might get America in trouble at some point if he is elected as president. He states that even though American can’t have faith in his voice that he believes we have absolutely no faith is Hillary Clinton as president. Donald Trump was asked about a quote he said calming he knew more about ISIS than the generals do. Donald continued to stick to his work that he does in fact know more about ISIS. Donald Trump then claims he had information about president Obama that no one else knew, but failed to say exactly what that information was. Trump started his famous quote by saying, he is here to change America and make it great again. He clams we were stable before Barrack Obama came into office, and that Obama let ISIS form and let Iran take over Iraq. Trump believes that if we would have taken oil, then we would not have ISIS. A gentleman asked Trump how would we take the oil and Trump skipped over that question. Donald Trump says that he likes to be very unpredictable because he doesn’t wish to air his ideas. Donald starts up with his famous line once again stating that he is here to ‘Make America Great Again.’ Trump later in the debate said that if the U.S. teams up with Russia then we will be able to defeat ISIS. Regarding solider suicide rates, Trump

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