
Hillary Rodham Biography

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Born on October 26th 1947 in Chicago, Hillary Diane Rodham already got to know the rivalry between Republicans and Democrats early in her life. As the daughter of a small business owner who was a Republican and a mother who had a tough childhood and had to start working at the age of 14 and was therefore a Democrat, Hillary experienced an upbringing with both political points of views. Receiving a successful education, she was able to attend Wellesley College, studying political science, where she ended up being the student leader and first-ever student speaker. After graduating she transferred to Yale Law School where she first started dating Bill Clinton. In 1979 to 1992 she was First Lady of Arkansas along her husband Bill whom she had married and in 1975 to 2000 she …show more content…

As First Lady of Arkansas she raised educational standards and improved the health care access in her state. This was also her goal as First Lady of the United States but the Clinton health care plan of 1993, which is also known as Hillarycare, was declined. She also held her famous speech at the U.N Fourth World Conference in 1995 where she stated that “women's rights are human rights” and spoke for “education, health care, economic independence, legal rights and political participation” of women all around the world. After her husbands second term, she gained a seat at the US Senate for New York where she among other things pushed President Bush to finance the rebuild of the city after 9/11 and took care of the health issues. In 2008 she ran for President of the United States where she was supported by Hispanics, non-college graduates, working-class white and older voters. In the end she lost to Barack Obama who she later supported herself which lead to Obama asking her to be his Secretary of State which she accepted

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