
High School Football Game Analysis

Decent Essays

On September 18, 2015 there was a football game at The King’s Academy High School in Sunnyvale California. Many of the men and women in attendance were there to support either a child, sibling, or classmate as they played their second game of the season. What typically goes on at these games is that the players play the game while the spectators watch and cheer for their team. In addition to the players and spectators, there are also coaches and officials who's job is to make sure that the players run the plays correctly and do not break any rules in the process. Volunteers are often standing at the gates taking tickets and in the snack bar area cooking food for people in attendance to buy. Football plays an important role to all of them and is a big part of the …show more content…

The home team was a private school made up of students from families that are upper middle class. While the visiting school was a public school in the low-income area of San Jose California. Because of the differences between the schools the players appearances were different. The players from the private school were wearing two year old jerseys with new equipment such as cleats and gloves. While the players from the public school were wearing the same jerseys that the program used for the past fifteen years. While it seems unlikely that these differences played a role in the outcome of the game there were larger differences that almost certainly did play a role. The private school is a college prep high school that has very high standards when it comes to academics and students that very rarely have trouble meeting those standards. The public school had a number of players ineligible due to their low grade point averages. This difference between the two schools most certainly played a role in the size of the teams, the players on the field, and the discipline with which the players played the

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