
Hierarchy Of Needs

Decent Essays

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs- Abraham Maslow is an important asset to psychology today. He is well known for his concept called “Maslow’s Hierarchy of human needs”. The hierarchy focuses on a 5 step pyramid, each level has a different set of needs. In order to move ahead in the pyramid each person must achieve each need. Physical needs: Physical need is the first level in the pyramid. The needs that you need to achieve is air, water, food, shelter, sleep and sex. In the movie a physical need is shown when the bird Kevin was putting all of the food on top of the house in order to feed her kids. This a physical need because as humans we need food to survive and this was a mother who was trying to provide for her kids. Another need portrayed …show more content…

This level includes providing comfort and protection from physical danger, financial insecurity, excessive criticism and constant change. The scene where the dog Doug wants to go with Russel and Mr. Fredricksen was because of the bullying he was getting from the other dogs. This is excessive criticism because Doug was constantly getting bullied from the other dogs in his pack making him feel as if he didn’t belong, but when he meets Russel he finally felt happy. Another need was protection from physical danger. When Mr. Fredricksen.’s house was in the sky he started to hear a knock on the door, when he opens the door it was Russel scared and holding on for his life. This is proving to be protection from physical danger because rustle was so scared and he was begging to come into Carl’s house before anything happened to …show more content…

For this step you will need to have respect for yourself, respect of others and respect for others. In the movie Doug the dog later got the respect from the other dogs by accidentally putting a cone of shame on the alpha dog who was bullying him. The dogs took this as Doug taking leadership of the pack and gave him the respect that he deserved. Later during the movie carl takes a liking to Russel and takes him out for ice cream just like his dad use to do. This is showing respect for others on Carl’s behalf. Self-actualization: The final level is self-actualization. This is the final step a person can achieve to reach their highest potential in life, to be the you that is possible real in life. In the movie carl is trying to achieve his wife’s dream to go to paradise falls and nothing could stop him from going there. As the movie goes on Carl learns of Kevin’s babies and then decides that getting to her kids is more important than taking the house to the falls. This is self-actualization because Carl’s behavior has changed for the better and he is now able to help other and no longer be grumpy. Another example was when carl saw the note that his late wife Ellie left behind for him. Once Carl got the house to the falls he was all alone with nothing to do, it didn’t feel as if he should be there. He later realized that instead of fulfilling Ellie’s childhood fantasy that he should create his own destiny.

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