
Hi Professor Talerico Weaknesses

Satisfactory Essays

Hi Professor Talerico, I am writing to you concerning my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to writing, reading, and speaking. When it comes to writing, I believe that my weakness is using words appropriately. My strength, however, is my ability to clearly convey my ideas. As for reading, I am not a big fan. Therefore, my weakness would be my lack of motivation to open a book or any sort of reading material for that matter. Whenever I do find the motivation to read, I am usually able to comprehend subject matter easily. When it comes to speaking, I believe that it is my strongest delivery method. I like to talk to others and I am not afraid to voice my opinion. I would have to say that my weakness for speaking would be staying on topic. Needless to say, I have …show more content…

In order to enhance learning, I would like to share with you some of my personal experiences in the classroom in hopes that we can learn from them. In the best class I ever had, the teacher did not belittle students - questions were answered sincerely and we were treated like true adults. In addition, in the best class I ever had, the students did all of their required work and then some. In other words, students read all the assigned readings, met deadlines early, and asked meaningful questions. The open communication between the professor and the students made it the best class ever! There was a mutual sense of respect and you could just tell it stimulated learning! On the contrary, in the worst class I ever had, the teacher did not respect the students. For example, class time was not utilized to the fullest and student concerns did not seem important to the professor. In the worst class I ever had, the students did not respect their professor. In that class, the students walked all over the professor and got away with more than they should have. In reality, the difference between the best class ever and the worst class ever was

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