
Hesitancy In The Testing

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Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and Katniss Everdeen have become familiar household names as of late with the fantastic stories intertwining adventure and dystopian societies. Conjuring a world in which these characters cease to exist in their respective books would be a task many would be unwilling to undertake. Hesitancy in any prospective removal of these characters exists for the simple reason that they are the protagonists: those who are oftentimes the focal point from which the story spins itself from. Identifying these characters, their physical and mental traits, motivations, and relations with other figures of the book. Today, all of this and more will be found with my in-depth review of The Testing by Joelle Charbonneau. With careful …show more content…

Interestingly, Cia's father forewarns her about the plausible danger hidden behind the achievement of being chosen for the Testing. His memory was wiped of all events experienced during those weeks, although his nightmares tell another story than the blank void of ignorance. The mantra of "ignorance is bliss," he recounts with instructions of extreme care, proved to be true in his case. Due to the fact that parental warnings are wholly ignored by many teenagers, the instructions of her father are soon forgotten upon arriving at the University to begin her Testing. All of her fellow colony members that were selected along with her must be trustworthy, and the friendly new faces give no inkling of the betrayal to come. However, these seemingly dire actions of deception soon pale in contrast to the real enemy: The Government. Yes, it was shockingly revealed that the organization which established the Testing did so in order to determine the perfected worker. The Tests were formulated to weed out those that might possess too strong of a will and diverge from the will of the Government, as well as the weak-willed who could be easily manipulated or bribed. No, the perfect warrior was a perfect blend of the two: compliant enough to to take all the orders yet cunning enough to make real change. Those who failed to meet the categorization provided would be, eliminated per se... In fact, it was discovered that this so called elimination meant shipping the students to a lab to be tested in a different way: as live specimens for horrid medical experiments. One person does not suffice to explain all of the treachery that this book had to offer. The best example, however, had to be the force behind the greatest defection of the story; the

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