
The Pros And Cons Of Human Experimentation

Decent Essays

I am on the affirmative side and I think that Human experimentation is important because scientists and doctors can find new and more effective treatments for diseases. Human experimentation is when human beings are used as test subjects to research scientific and medical resources. Scientists can start with hypotheses and test them on animals,but without human testing they will never know if the end results will actually make real human patients feel better. Experiments on people have contributed in great measure to medical progress; infant mortality has decreased by more than 75%,and many human diseases that were once fatal or widespread have become curable or have disappeared. Human experimentation is important for the good of all people.

Human experimentation has a history of scandal that often shapes people’s views of the ethics of research. Often the earliest cited case is English physician Edward Jenner’s development of the smallpox vaccine in 1796,where he injected an eight-year-old boy child with pus taken from a cowpox infection and then deliberately exposed her to an infected carrier of smallpox. Although Jenner’s experiment was successful and it confirmed his theory, the method of …show more content…

presidents on bioethical issues. A federal Office for Human Protections,operating within the Department of Health and Human Services,now exists to help researchers follow ethical principles and regulatory requirements involved in human abound. Thanks to this changes, human experimentation is controlled and protected and scientists can discover cures for worldwide diseases. For example:at the beginning of the 20th century,worldwide life expectancy was less than 40 years of age. Today the world average stands at around 70 years. The single biggest reason for this leap in longevity has been our ability to cure diseases. Vaccines,antibiotics, and advances in medical technology have changed the

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