
Hero Is A Hero

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“Hard times don’t create heroes. It is during hard times that the heroes within us are revealed”(Bob Riley). Everyday people just don’t know that they are heroes inside until a hard situation arises that allows their heroism to be revealed. Heroes are everyday people that have the courage to emerge from the crowd to take a risk that could cost them their life to do good without any thought of gratitude or reward. What do people see and think when they hear the word hero? They might see an image of someone like Superman who flies as fast as an airplane or Spider-Man who swings to save the day. However, most heroes emerge from everyday situations.Would someone be heroic and courageous to run in a burning building to save a victim’s family member stuck there? What about 9/11? The words that most people had in mind we survive, run, and hope that rescuers arrive. However, the heroes main thoughts were probably how they could help others survive.When the panicked civilizations that day ran to the edge of Manhattan, they forgot that Manhattan was an island, and that's when our first story comes in.The story of boatlift, a video about the story of a rescue involving all types of boats to evacuate people from Manhattan coast to safety.A definition of a hero and the main theme is showed by a quote by Romain Rolland “A hero is a man who does what he can” which is the main point of the video.pilots of certain boats arrived before to save people in which they shared as one of them

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