
Frederick Douglass As A Hero

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Panic struck the people of New York City. Black, billowing smoke began to rise. The beloved Twin Towers had been destroyed. During the chaos and madness that occurred on the day of 9-11-01, some people acted and did all they could to help those around them, even though they knew obstacles stood in the way. Those people are true heros. Heroism is acting in times of need when obstacles may stand in the way, being willing to sacrifice everything, and not letting setbacks keep from achieving goals and being an inspiration to others.
Heroes rise and act in times of need, even if obstacles may stand in the way. For instance, Frederick Douglass an abolitionist, and Vincent Ardolino, a man who rescued others at the BOATLIFT of 9-11 both acted to help during a time when heroes were needed even though obstacles stood in their way. Frederick Douglas’ feelings towards rising and speaking against slavery are described in his autobiography The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave. Douglass stated, “ The truth was I felt myself a slave, and the idea of speaking to white people weighed me down.” Frederick, although he felt unworthy, stood that day and spoke as a symbol against slavery. Frederick Douglas’ actions led him to be “engaged in pleading the cause of my brethren” from then on, and to be seen as a hero until today. Likewise, Vincent Ardolino is a man who acted when he saw others in need to be rescued off the island during the chaos of 9-11.

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