
Herman Li Accomplishments

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Exceeds his limitations as a guitarist in this generation Herman Li does. Most famous for his guitar solos and using his whammy bar he is. Several awards such as, the ¨best shredder”, ¨best riff¨, and ¨best metal¨ awards Li won.
As the lead guitarist of the band ¨Dragon Force”, he deserves credit for his major success. By following his dreams, he presently stands out for as an amazing guitarist, with much practice you can accomplish almost anything.
The trick to success is not talent it is passion, nobody is naturally talented enough to be outstanding, the only way to stand out is with practice and the only motivation to practice is passion. A large sum of people does not search for a career that they love, instead they search for a career with a large salary, by choosing the first path people can raise a great deal of money by doing better than the rest. …show more content…

Instead, he is admirable for making great accomplishments. Therefore, achieving anything great is always admirable. Stick with your greatest talent, and passion combined, and you could become just as awesome as Herman Li. There is rarely anybody who can shred as fast as Herman Li, “He should be #1 Hands down. Have you ever seen any of his solos? Only a genius could do it. Like Bach if he were still alive.” (Anonymous). Some argue that it takes much more than just fast sliding up and down the neck of the guitar to be great, and I agree, however Herman Li can do much more. Clearly being able to play while submerged with only a your guitar out of water is pretty amazing. Which Herman Li can do, he can play “Through the Fire and the Flames” with the entirety of his body in the water except his arms, therefore he can not even see the guitar let alone that would be a very awkward

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