
Hemophilia Research Paper

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Hemophilia The definition of hemophilia is that it’s a rare disease housed in the body. What happens is the blood does not clot normally due to the fact it lacks the sufficient blood-clotting proteins. Also, when having this disorder of hemophilia, the person can bleed for a longer period of time after a wound of cut. Depending on the person with hemophilia so small cuts or injuries for the most part do not become much of a problem in their day to day lives. In most cases the risk comes in when there is deep bleeding inside the body, especially in the knees, ankles and elbows and most times this can appear as bruising. This type of injury can lead to damaged organs and tissues, and for the most part can …show more content…

The process can be done by infusing prepared factor concentrates and people who have hemophilia eventually learn how to use these infusions on their own in order to stop their bleeding episodes and, by doing the infusions regularly this for the most part can even stop most bleeding episodes from even happening. But it’s going to take good medical care from doctors and nurses who have experience in dealing with people who have the disorder in order to administer preventive solutions. The disorder of hemophilia is a genetic one which means it is inherited, and to this day there is still no cure but treatment to live with this disorder. Hemophilia can and does affect all racial and ethnic groups of people and within those groups it has been found that majority of those with hemophilia are men. Now being that this is inherited let’s look in to the chromosome theory of inheritance, this theory brings forth the idea that the genes are located on chromosomes. This line of thought was based on the experiments of Thomas Hunt Morgan using fruit flies. So, with those findings from the data given it can be deduced that

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