
Hemophilia Research Paper

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Signs and Symptoms
Hemophilia A is distinguished by extreme bleeding into soft tissues of the body known as hematoma, and bleeding into joint spaces known as hemarthroses. Hemarthroses lead to severe condition known as hemarthropathy. Repeated episodes of hemarthroses are very common to this disease. The severity of hemophilia A symptoms is directly proportional to factor VIII blood level and is classified as mild, moderate and severe.
First signs of hemophilia are seen in young children under age of 2 are biting gums and tongue resulting in bleeding and bruises caused by multiple incidents of falling which is very common in young children. Therefore, the majority of bleeding episodes are caused by surface bruises.
Hemarthroses are responsible for roughly 75 percent of bleeding episodes in patients with severe hemophilia A degree (Roberts et al, 2010). Signs of hemarthroses include damage to capillaries located under synovial layer caused by mechanical trauma related to joints involvement in the regular daily …show more content…

These typically occur in soft tissue and bone. Most pseudotumors are painless unless their growth rate is over accelerated or causing nerves compression. As a cyst grows, it destroys muscles, nerves and bones. Pseudotumors usually contain both blood and the liquid portion of blood serum also known as serosanguineous fluid. They continue to grow and reside in different locations. Some become inoperable due to the size and other structures involvement and some protrude through the skin. Pseudotumors typically occur in lower body, in thigh, buttock and pelvis. Bones of hands and feet of younger patients are affected quiet frequently.
Hematuria is one of the signs occurring in patients with severe hemophilia A. A typical sign is change of urine color, which depends upon extent of bleeding and could be brownish or reddish in color. Common source of bleeding is

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