
Health Promotion Disadvantages

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MECC has disadvantages within acute health settings, this is due to the approach not being implemented, for example within emergency departments, nurses struggle to achieve smoking health promotion outcomes due to the high dependency care they specialise in. Nurses felt that smoking health promotion interventions were not a priority when dealing with life or death emergencies (Cross, 2009). Nurses when faced with tackling smoking behaviour change, can find it difficult to ascertain correct information and guidance for service users when the nurses are not adequately trained in smoking services. Nurses' individual health behaviours and lifestyles are important characteristics in health promotion. The public view nurses as healthy role models, however this can sometimes cause nurses feelings of hypocrisy or deceit especially when the nurses smoke themselves and undertake poor health behaviours (Wills, 2014). MECC acts as an educational starting point for nurses to discuss health education, behaviour change and treatments in relation to smoking.
The “Going Upstream” framework highlighted that nurse-patient led health initiatives such as MECC and Motivational Interviewing were the most successful health promotion approach when tackling smoking, encouraging patient empowerment (RCN, 2012) however nurse intervention can be seen as interfering or controlling by the patient or population. Nurses arguably could make patients feel as though they are being blamed for their ill health

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