
Health Care Consultants

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In analyzing problem solving, thee skills and role of a consultant can take on a variety of factors such as understanding the nature of the problems, purpose and desired outcomes of consultation, skills of the consultant and skills of the consultee (Dougherty,2014). The skills used to analyze problems in an organization, consultants will use a systemic approach which involves a variety of stages and levels of phases to ensure proper analysis, intervention, and implementation of existing problems. Phase One: Gather Information The phase of gathering information includes some factors that the consultant needs to take into consideration (Dougherty,2014): • Deciding to proceed. • Selecting dimension. • Deciding who will be involved in data collection • Selecting the data collection methods  Genetic data  Current descriptive data  Process data  Interpretive data  Consultee-client system relationship data  Client system behavior data In the given scenario, Mr. Valencia, of Healthcare Consultants Inc., was hired as a consultant by Dr. Rita Krakowski, director of Hope Medical Center. In exploring the Hope Medical Centers needs, Mr. Valencia proceeded to phase one which includes gathering information to establish why his services were called upon. Once the problem was defined, Dr. Krakowski asked …show more content…

Both physicians and nurses reported that their main source of stress on the job was dealing with issues of mortality. When interacting with nurses in transplant operations, doctors were known to be “tense” and “curt” with the nurses. Additionally, some of the doctors expressed “sadness” and “frustration” in the event of losing a patient. Both doctors and nurses expressed the difficulty in carrying out "difficult conversations" with the families of patients, that involved palliative care and prolonged life

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